The Ooze Man (4)

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I entered the forest and it immediantly felt as if it had gotten 10 degrees cooler. I stepped over various rocks and stones before coming to a wide clearing. I walked into the opening and looked around for a trail. That's when Lucifer appeared once more.

"Clare," He said, nodding his head.

I looked at him as he circled around me like he had previously. His vessel was different now. A young boy around the same age as Jake with freckles on his nose and a wide grin. His hair was light brown and his eyes a piercing green.

"You don't seem pleased with my presence, Clare, did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"I love my God, Lucifer," I answered. I was trying to be strong, but every minute I spent with him made me feel weak and small.I knew the things he had done. I knew my bible. I knew my religion. I new who he was, who he really was.

"I understand that," He said, "At one point so did I."

"But you thought you were stronger," I said.

"No, no!" Lucifer said shaking his head, "You humans have gotten it all mixed up in your little heads. That's not what happened at all!"

"Tell me," I said.

"It won't make a difference on how you look at me," He said, "Church has soiled your brain."

"Tell me, Lucifer," I said harshly but regretted it. It was the devil I happen to be talking to.

He seemed to want to say something about my remark, but held his tongue, "Vey well. I was not trying to be stronger than Father. I loved him. Apparently too much for him. I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to learn more from him, but he isn't very good at sharing. So he sent me somewhere else, somewhere where I could rule alone. But that's not what I had wanted."

"You expect me to believe you?" I said.

"No. I told you that you wouldn't believe me," Lucifer said, "But that's the truth. That's what happened."

"Why am I here?" I asked suddenly, "Please let me go!"

"Clare,' He sighed, "You already know why you're here. You killed yourself. That means hell. You can never go back."

"Never?" I gulped.

Lucifer shook his head and turned away. He walked, slowly, deeper into the forset, to be consumed by the shadows.

I started to follow him, "Wait!" I called, "Wait! Come back!"

He didn't come back. I reluctantly walked back to the shed and went inside.

"Clare!" Jake said lifting up his head.

"Jake," I stated, sitting on the floor.

"Plenty of room here," Jake said moving over a bit.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around my knees.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Jake asked.

"A bit," I whispered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean any harm."

I smiled and got up from the floor, "You know you're kind of nice, for a guy."

"What does that mean?"

"Most boys," I said sitting, "They don't act like you, you're nicer."

"I just know how delicate girls' feelings are," He said.

"You guys will never be able to understand the female mind... like we can't understand yours," I said.

"Yeah, but at least I'm better at it."

"That's a noble quality," I said, joking a bit.

"Maybe I'll actually get to use it... if we get out of here," Jake said.

"Like you said, Jake, we're in Hell. It'll be hard to get out," I answered.

Jake nodded and tried to stand, but yelped in pain and sat.

"You know better," I said.

"Now I do."

"I think you broke your ankle, is that where the pain is?" I asked.

"Defiantly," He said leaning down to grip it.

"Don't touch it!"

A black ooze began to come out of the walls at that moment, it formed a puddle on the ground.

"What is that!" I yelled.

The ooze began to move and bubble. It formed into a shape that gained color and dynamics similar to a human. It was a man, probably around 20 years old. This one had blond hair, that looked as if it had been gelled back slightly, and hazel eyes. He had a small nose that was rounded at the end and fair skin.

"Who are you?" Jake asked.

"I'm here to save your ass," The man said and walked over to Jake. He took Jake's ankle in his hand and held it lightly, no matter how many times Jake protested. Some golden light came out of the man's hand and sunk into Jake's skin, "Walk," The man ordered.

Jake hesitated and then got up, "Wooh!" He said as he walked around the room, good as new.

"Better?" The man asked.

"Yeah! Thanks!" Jake answered.

"Who are you?" I asked. I wasn't just about to trust a man who came here by ooze transportation.

"I'm a demon."

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