Groupchat (9)

535 13 1

Shawn Mendes

july 14th, 2019
8:39pm in Los Angeles, CA

I snapped out of my thoughts when Daniella's mom called us for dinner.

We followed Daniella and Ava to the dining room. There was an arrangement of Italian food such as; spaghetti, cheese ravioli, and lasagna.

"You didn't have to do all of this, Maria" Andrew said.

"It's no problem, I'm used to it. I grew up with a big family and always had to have a variety of food when people came over" she says, handing all of us a plate. "Please enjoy. Oh and Daniella told me I'm supposed to be talking to a boy about something, who would this me?"

Everyone turns their heads to me, making me blush even more. I slowly raise my hand. "That would be me, ma'm"

"Oh honey just call my Maria. We can talk after dinner, you all enjoy the food" she says grabbing herself a plate.

We all grabbed some food and headed back to the living room. Daniella played soft music in the background while we all talked about life.

"This was the best, Maria" Connor says, rubbing his stomach.

"Thank you, dear" she replies.

It wasn't long until everyone was gathering in the kitchen putting all their dishes away. I, for once was really nervous. I don't even know what to say to her mother. I'm never like this when I'm meeting a girl's parents, but Daniella was different.

Maria called Daniella and I into the office, near the living room.

"So dear, what did you need to ask me" Maria says sitting down in the chair next to her desk.

"I was wondering if Daniella could come with me on tour, to peruse her photography career. She would take pictures of me performing during my shows. We would also pay her even more than my other photographer who's on leave, because this was so last minute. The boys and I would take care of her, and make sure nothing happens to her" I laugh.

"Oh honey, I'm all for it. Anything for my daughter. This would be nice for her, she could get out of California. She can kick start off her career, it just all comes down to what she wants" Maria says, looking at Daniella. "Honey is this what you want?"

"I don't know ma, I don't want to leave you and Ava alone. I can always stay here mama" Daniella says, frowning.

"Oh don't be silly, Ava can always go over to the neighbors house and play with Rose, when I'm not here" Her mother replies. "Plus I think that she would love that her big sister is hanging out with her favorite person ever"

All three of us laugh at her comment.

"Okay, I'll do it Shawn" Daniella says, looking at me for the first time since we got into this room.

"Thank you so much Ella, and Maria. This means a lot to the boys and I" I say, standing up to hug both of them.

We head back to the living room to tell the good news to the guys. "Soooo guess who's officially part of the Mendes Crew" I say. "DANIELLLLAAAA ISSSS"

Everyone cheers and hugs Daniella and her mother.

"Thank you so much Maria, we'll make sure to bring her back in one piece" Andrew laughs.

"You better or all of you will be dead meat" her mother chuckles.

"Daniella you should go pack, since I'm assuming you guys leave tonight" her mother asks, tilting her head.

We all nod our heads as Daniella grabs Ava and they run up the stairs.

Daniella Marie

Ava and I head to my room and I grab a suitcase from my closet.

"Ella you better take a lot of pictures and send it to me" Ava says, sitting on my bed.

"That's kind of my job Ava, but of course. Take care of mama okay?" I say to her, grabbing random clothing out of my closet and shoving it in my suitcase.

Less than 10 minutes, I was all packed and ready to go. I was hugging my mom, trying to keep the tears in. "I love you ma, I love you Ava" I whisper, letting go of my mom and waving goodbye to them.

"We love you Ella" they scream.

I giggle and follow the guys into the tour bus.

"You'll be sleeping in the bunk next to Shawn's. All the suitcases are on the bottom of the bus so if you need anything I suggest you grab it now" Andrew suggests.

"It's all good I have everything in my backpack" I say pointing to the Louis Vuitton bag that my mom got me for Christmas.

"Hey Ella your bunk is over here" Shawn says, pointing to the middle bunk right across from his.

I nod my head and put all my stuff in it.

"We usually have a game night, before we head to bed so do you want to join us?" He asks.

"Sure let me change into my pajamas, I'll meet you guys there.

As I was getting my clothes I hear my phone ring and my jaw instantly drops when I see the caller ID.

Noah Centineo is calling

Someone tell Noah to go away :/ poor Shawn better not find out.

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