Groupchat (8)

570 11 6

Daniella Marie

july 14th, 2019
7:43pm in Los Angeles, CA

Ten messages from The Boys

Josiah I have bad news guys

Connor What

Brian What?

Zubin O no

Geoff This cant be good

Mendes 🎤🎶 What's wrong eh?

The Dad 🧔🏻  ^^

Josiah I won't be able to photograph Shawn for the rest of the American leg of the tour

Justin ...

The Dad 🧔🏻 WHAT?!

Daniella That sucks man

Mike Sometimes I forget she's in here 😂

Daniella Gee thanks dude

Mendes 🎤🎶 Who's gonna take my pictures then?!!! Josiah!! You're the best bro.

Josiah I'm sorry, my wife is gonna give birth soon. I can't miss it. She's due any day now. I have to go back to Toronto.

Brian Can't Connor do both?

Mendes 🎤🎶 No he's working on my documentary. He can't. He doesn't have time for that.

The Dad 🧔🏻 Does anyone know any photographers, that's willing to do it last minute?

Brian I do

Connor I do

The Dad 🧔🏻 Great what's their names?

Connor Daniella Marie

Brian LMAO I was gonna say that. I mean she told us she was interested in photography and her instagram profile is filled with great quality pics.

Daniella Okay, what the fuck?

Mendes 🎤🎶 No, not her. I don't want her.

The Dad 🧔🏻 Shawn she's our only chance. Unless you wanna go photographer-less and upset your fans.

Mendes 🎤🎶 Can't we find someone else?

Daniella Damn Mendes, I'm right here

Mendes 🎤🎶 Whatever

Zubin What's wrong with him?

Geoff That's a little harsh don't you think Shawn

The Dad 🧔🏻 Daniella, are you down? We can talk to your parents. I can pay you a higher amount since it's so last minute.

Daniella I don't know what Mr. Popstars problem is, but if he's gonna be like that then my answers NO

Shawn Mendes

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