Authors Note

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Dun, dun.... DUN!

So, Noah is on his way over to Jamie's. And Jamie is on her way upstairs with Shaun...

Joel has been seeing Sarah secretly since school started! And now they've slept together and told each other that they love each other - what the fuck will everyone make of this?! When they find out about it, that is...

Jay and Erin finally slept together! Where will things go for them from here?

Patrick went home with some chick in South Bridge, some things never change.

Zach completely fucked up with Kim, but it seems like he really does have genuine feelings for her, what will happen between them?

At least Aubrey and John are happy! God, somebody needs to be devoid of drama in this story, lol.

The Middle - Volumes Two, Three and Four are out now! Find them on my page. And I'm currently updating a spin-off book from the series too. Thank you so much for reading! You rock.


TMV2 Sneak Peak:

- Jamie's dad, Mike, makes an appearance in book two.
- The Middle start to attract attention from record labels.
- It's Winter! There's snow, a Winter Carnival, a snow ball, and plenty of drama in between...
- Major fucking bomb dropping at the end of book two, honestly I've been excited about this since the idea for The Middle first came to me (I fucking LOVE it, seriously, it's been consuming my thoughts for months.)

And one last thing. I hope to god that at least one person has checked out at least one of the songs mentioned in this book. Bayside, Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World, The Cure and most of all Fleetwood Mac have majorly inspired much of this. Music is such a huge part of my life, and I hope you've gotten joy out of listening to any of the songs mentioned in this book.

And just because I'm such a tease, I'll leave you with the one song that I think perfectly captures the moment for the ending of book two (get excited, please, it's so good - if I do say so myself. I can't stop re-reading anyway!)

Jimmy Eat World - Table For Glasses.


Much love, J2 x

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