Chapter 46

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I already decided I wasn't going to English Lit class this morning, so I have a long lie and take Benji for a leisurely walk before getting ready and heading over to campus for my second (well, first on this occasion) class of the day.

En route, I decide to stop by Symposium for a decent coffee, and the minute I walk in the door, who do I see? Noah. But not only Noah. Will too.

I pause in the doorframe for about a second, before spinning around and getting the fuck out of there. I know Will saw me just now, he looked over when he heard the bell above the door chime. We made eye contact. Which is exactly why I am abandoning my plan to buy a latte and walking down the street towards campus.

"Hawkins, wait!" Will's following me, shit! I pick up the pace a little.

"Jamie, please." He catches up to me, so I stop. There are loads of people walking around, I don't wanna cause a scene right now. I don't have the energy.

"What do you want, Will?" I ask as I turn to face him. I'm glad to see he's alone, Noah didn't come with him. Thank god.

"Weren't you gonna buy a coffee just now? Don't let me stop you. You didn't need to leave just because I was there. I don't want things to be like that."

"Oh yeah, cause everything is always all about you." I say sarcastically. Will's presence has no fucking effect on me. It's his roommate I didn't particularly want to talk to...

"Noah?" The realisation dawns on Will. "But, he went over to your house last night? He said you guys are cool? You know, after what happened at the beach..."

I roll my eyes. "Yes, Noah and I are fine. It's really none of your concern, Will. Bye now."

"You like him, don't you?" He looks so serious. What the hell?

"He's a nice boy when he wants to be." I answer, even though I know that's not what Will meant.

"No, I mean, you like him. In a way you never liked me. It's different between you guys, I can see it." He studies me for a reaction. He can fuck off.

I'm about to open my mouth to tell him to leave me alone for what feels like the fiftieth time since school started, but just then, Noah steps out of Symposium with two to go cups in his hands and looks around for Will. I swallow when he spots us. He looks a little surprised. He's walking over to us now, shit.

"Whatever, I have class. Bye." I say to Will quickly, hoping I can fuck off before Noah approaches. I'm unsuccessful though, damn runners.

"Hey Jamie. Where were you this morning?" He asks me, totally casually, like he didn't have his finger inside of me last night. Like he didn't call me perfect.

"Um, I overslept." Is my awkward response.

"Right." He knows I'm lying. "You must have been up pretty late after all that homework you had to do."

He smiles at me, letting me know that he knows I lied about the homework, but he doesn't mind. Ugh, his smile is not what I need right now. His fucking gorgeous smile. I need to get over him. I need to get away from him. I skipped class this morning for a god damn reason!

"Yeah, sorry about that, again." I say. "I'll see you later, Noah. Burn in hell, Will."

And with that, I'm speed walking up the street. I'm pretty sure I've just left them standing there confused, but whatever. I need this distance.


"I don't get it, you're not going to any classes today, because you don't feel well. Yet you're considering driving to New York for the first time tonight, on your own?" Joel raises an eyebrow at me. He can see right through my bullshit. "You'll miss class tomorrow too. I don't think this is a good idea at all."

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