Chapter 35

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I'm applying some more lipstick and smoothing my straight hair down in the mirror in the bathroom. This guy is unbelievably hot, he plays guitar too, he has loads of tattoos and he most certainly has my attention. He's gonna make me forget all about Noah. I'm excited.

He asked me if I wanted to leave, because we're both on the same page. I said yes, but told him I just needed to run to the ladies room first. So I fire a quick text to Joel, because he's responsible and I know there is zero chance of him hooking up tonight, asking him to spend the night at my place tonight, for Benji. I don't wanna take this dude home, I'll go back to his place. It's just easier that way, I can make my escape whenever I want to and save any awkwardness.

As I put my lipstick away, Joel replies telling me he'll crash at my house tonight, I knew he would, and I smile to myself as I turn away from the mirror and head out of the bathroom.


I startle when I see him, because I wasn't expecting to run into anyone in the hall outside the bathroom, much less Noah. His back is flat against the wall, one foot against the wall, arms folded, and his expression is menacing. Dangerous, even. He looks moody all the time anyway, but this is different. He looks angry. I'm not gonna let him effect me, so I return his "hi" as I move to walk past him.

"Hang on." He pushes off of the wall and touches my arm. I turn to face him, curious. We haven't talked since he walked out on me that night, so what the hell is his game right now?

"You were great tonight. Both times." He says, not releasing his grip on my arm. Subconsciously, he's pulling me over to him. We're too close. I can smell his cologne and I can see his chest rise and fall in time with his heavy breathing.

"Thanks." I say, and it comes out as a whisper. His eyes aren't meeting mine, they're focussing on my lips. When did I turn my body around to face him? When did his other hand come to rest on my hip. Oh my God, what do I do?

"When you're up there playing your guitar and singing, it's so..." He whispers into my ear, and I close my eyes, trying to stop myself from shuddering at his words. I want him to finish his sentence. I want him to keep talking. Really, I just want him. He's moving his hand from my hips to my ass now, pulling me even closer into him. I'm in trouble, and I'm painfully aware that we could walk backwards into the bathroom and fuck in one of the stalls. The music is loud enough, no one would hear...

"So what?" I ask on a gasp, my eyes still closed, his lips inches away from my ear.

"It makes me think of you different." He says, his lips brushing against my neck, his hands squeezing my ass, driving my body forward, flush against his. I feel my breathing hitch from the contact.

"It reminds me how you looked, laid half bare in front of me, legs spread, moments away from coming all over my face..." Holy shit. His voice is so low, and so dangerous. But so full of promise. Promise of the things he could do to me if he had me in a similar situation again. If only.

I throw my hands up into his hair. I haven't tugged at his hair since that night. I didn't realise how much I've been missing the feeling.

"I want you to make me come, Noah." The dirty words are leaving my mouth before I can stop myself. This is the problem with having no filter. It's hard to play it cool when I always say exactly what I'm thinking. 

Finally, his lips land on the skin of my neck, and he kisses, licks, and nibbles as I moan from the pleasure it gives me. Fuck that random tattooed guy that's waiting for me. This is what I want. Noah Adams is what I want.

But suddenly, he's pushing me away from him by the hips, dragging both his hands through his hair and shaking his head while looking down at his feet. Here we go again.

Without giving him time to say or do anything else, I walk past him, back into the main hall of the Grill. He's not following me. Good. But he has just turned me on and pissed me off entirely in the space of a few minutes.

I spot my tattooed hottie, march up to him, grab him by the wrist and pull him in the direction of the back exit. I need to get laid, right now. And although I know he probably won't have the effect on me that Noah does, I don't care. Anyone will do. I need to forget about Noah. I fucking need to.


But, I don't. Back at this guys apartment (I don't even know his name, but that's fine by me) he's kissing me, and touching me, and sliding my hoodie off of my shoulders, giving himself easier access to my boobs through my thin black vest top. And it's nice, you know? It's never not nice. And this guy is crazy good looking, but maybe he wouldn't be if it weren't for the tattoos. Fuck, I don't know. I just know I'm not into this. And I've already decided I'm not gonna go through with it. He's gonna be pissed, because I know I must have seemed like a sure thing. But, this happens sometimes. He'll need to respect my choice, and if he doesn't, fuck him.

"Dude, I'm sorry." I say, as he kisses my neck roughly. I don't want any hickeys, so I push him off of me. "I need to go."

"What?!" He breathes. He's surprised, not annoyed, which is good.

"I totally forgot, my dogs home alone tonight, I need to get back to let him out for the bathroom." Yeah, imagine my dog taking a shit, that'll kill the boner that's currently pressed up against me.

"Oh." He says, his voice thick with disappointment. Yeah, he's not the only one. I really do wanna have sex, just...not with him.

"I'm really sorry. This was fun though." I smile at him half-heartedly and he chuckles, before totally releasing his grip on me.

He gives me his number before I leave, and while I don't offer him mine, I do accept his. On any other night, I would have gone through with it. And maybe if I hadn't had my intense 5 minute chat with Noah outside the fucking toilets in the Grill, I would be naked on that guys bed right now. But, I just can't do it. Not when my mind is filled with thoughts of Noah saying things like 'cum on my face'. Fuck.

When I get home, Joel is surprised to see me, but totally accepts my decision not to sleep with that guy. Honestly, I think Joel's proud of me, which is nice. He crashes in my guest room anyway, because Patrick left the Grill with some girl not long after I left, and Joel doesn't wanna go home and listen to some chick shouting Fuck me harder, Patrick! All night long. From what I've been told, sometimes it really is all night with Patrick. So Joel stays. When we go to bed, I can't sleep. I'm still horny, which makes me feel gross because Joel is in the guest room right next to my bedroom. You know, the room where I almost came on Noah's face...

I turn onto my stomach and smother my face into my pillow in frustration. I hate Noah for what he did to me tonight. Whether he meant to or not, he cock blocked me. Filling my head with dirty thoughts about him, and leaving no room for any other guy. Fuck that asshole. He's gonna pay for this. I'm gonna make sure of it.

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