Chapter 38 (Noah)

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Saturday afternoon, post jog, pre shower. I'm sitting in my dorm talking to Zach and John. You would think John was on fucking acid or something, he's the happiest I've ever seen him because he took Aubrey to the movies last night. According to John, it went really well. He kissed her outside of her dorm building after they walked back from the movies, and he even held her hand. Apparently this constitutes a good first date, I wouldn't know of course, but it sounds awful to me. No sex? No second base even? There's a reason I don't date. 

We're all looking forward to this beach party tonight for different reasons. John, because Aubrey will be there. Zach, because Kim will be there. And me? I'm looking forward to finally satisfying the internal torture I've been going through since I first laid eyes on Jamie. I'm gonna sleep with her tonight. It's gonna happen, tonight is the night. I'm fairly confident about it, because I know she wants it. All I need to do is find her, put the moves on her, and not leave her hanging this time. I haven't told my friends about my plans, of course. I don't need shit from Zach about this, and I don't need John or Will accusing me of actually having feelings for Jamie. No. The only thing I'm gonna be feeling for her tonight is lust. I'm gonna make sure of that. 

I'm about to head through to the bathroom to take that shower, when Will suddenly bursts through the front door. He's a little breathless, probably from running up the stairs, but his eyes look kinda wild too. He looks between the three of us, before settling his gaze on me. What the hell is up his ass?

"Noah. We need to talk." He says, deadpan. 

"Um, okay? Are you breaking up with me?" I ask sarcastically. 

"This is serious dude." He says with a slight shake of his head. 

"Should we leave?" John asks uncertainly. 

"No!" Will snaps at John on reflex. "You all need to hear this." 

He walks over to the kitchen counter and leans back against it, hands gripping the counter edge, eyes to the sky. He looks seriously fucking stressed. Whatever this is, I know in my gut it isn't good. 

"Are you okay, man?" I ask him, and he nods his head a few times before lowering his gaze from the roof to meet my eyes. 

"I will be." He says. "Were you about to shower? Go shower. I'll have a beer, psych myself up, you know?" 

"Um, I think you're psyched up enough already, Will." I say, slowly walking towards him. "What's going on?"

He takes a deep breath before gesturing towards the vacant sofa. I walk over and sit down, he sits next to me, opposite Zach and John. They look interested, but a little worried. My facial expression is probably exactly the same right now. 

"Okay, so, there's something I should have told you weeks ago." Will starts. "I haven't exactly lied about it, but, I haven't exactly been honest about it either. I've lied through omission."

He rakes his hands through his perfectly styled hair, really letting me know that this is gonna be something catastrophic. I glance over at Zach, and he subtly shakes his head at me, telling me to remain quiet and let Will get through this. So I do. 

"I'm just gonna come out with it." Will says, his eyes fixed firmly on his own feet. "Jamie Hawkins and I... we used to date."

I feel my blood boil in my veins. It's an automatic reaction to what he just said. It's irrational, and primal, and I have no control over it. I'm confused. He doesn't even know her. But apparently he does. Very fucking well, if he really did date her. He glances at me for a reaction, but I'm staying completely still, not giving anything away. I wanna hear more about this. 

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