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(Y'all are 18-19 in this story and there are no quirks in this story either)

(Y/n) P.O.V

He pushed me out of the way as the mysterious man pulled the trigger and ran away.


Katsuki's body dropped to the floor as a pool of blood surrounded him.

"Katsuki!" I screamed

I started to run after the man but I heard a voice from behind me which made me stop in my tracks.

"Don't go...(Y/n)...please... don't go."

He gripped his side tightly while using his other hand to reach out to me.

I ran towards him and dropped to his side ignoring all the blood as I held him in my arms. My hand went to his pocket to reach his phone and called an ambulance as quickly as possible.

I took off my jacket and placed it over his wound to try and stop the bleeding at least a little bit. After a while of silence, I heard the ambulance sirens near us.

The paramedics picked him up and placed him in the ambulance. I accompanied Katsuki in the ambulance. Slowly, his body was becoming cold and his face was pale.

(At the hospital emergency area)

They took him away to try to get the bullet out of him while I stayed in the waiting room outside.

A few minutes later, a nurse came and told me that the best in the hospital was helping him and that there's no need to worry. The police came to ask me questions about what I saw and I told them everything.

(An hour later...)

Mitsuki and Masaru came running in asking the nurses where was their son. A nurse started walking towards me and said,

"They're still getting the bullet out of his shoulder but there were a few complications, however, he should be fine."

The nurse left to go continue his work while Mitsuki and Masaru sat next to me.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry. Someone pointed a gun at me but he jumped in front of me. I should have done something."

Masaru placed his hand on my head, "It's not your fault. I'm sure he wouldn't think that at all."

Mitsuki continued and hugged me, "That idiot took the bullet for you because he loves you, (Y/n). You called the ambulance and made sure he would be able to get help. Thank you."

(After the surgery)

The doctor walked towards us and told us the removal was successful.

We went to his room to find him laying down asleep.

The doctor began saying, "He should be waking up in a few minutes. In the meantime, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou, please come with me so you can fill out a few papers."

(3rd person P.O.V)

Soon after Masaru and Mitsuki left with the doctor, Katsuki woke up. (Y/n) tossed her arms around him and cried yet had the biggest smile on her face.

"Stop crying you idiot, I'm fine. There's no need to worry about me." Katsuki smiled

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have done that. The gun was pointed at me. I-"

"Shut up. I took the bullet because I wanted to protect you. I love you."

(Y/n) chuckled, "I love you too."

(Deku's P.O.V)

I wanted to laugh as I walked by the clueless policemen. I asked around for Kacchan's room number when I got to the hospital. I walked into the room as I saw (Y/n) and Kacchan speaking.

"Kacchan! (Y/n)! I heard what happened, are you two alright?"

"Yeah, we're fine, damn Deku," Kacchan muttered

"You know, you guys should be more careful, the city's becoming more dangerous every day," I walked towards the window with mm back facing them, "You never know who to trust. Who knows? The enemy could be right under your noses and you wouldn't even notice."

"You're right Izuku, we really should be more careful. The man was wearing a mask but, who could have it been?" (Y/n) added

I smirked while looking out the window, 'It was me,' I thought.


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