Jealousy of Mine- Jealous!Bakugou x Reader pt.1

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It's (Y/n)'s first day at U.A which is her dream school ever since she was a little girl. She even had a best friend with the same dream, Bakugou Katsuki. (Y/n)'s parents had to move due to her dad's job. She really didn't wanna leave her friend behind but she had to.

(A few weeks before the U.A's entrance exams)

"Mom! Please, I really really want to go to U.A and it's finally my chance to enter! If I don't fly back, I'll miss the entrance exam!" (Y/n) protested
Her mom put down her morning coffee and sighed,
"Sweetie, you know we can't do that. Your father has work and it's going even better than it has before. I'm sorry."
She groaned as she strolled back to her room and jumped on the bed face down.

(2 months after school started)

(Y/n) was walking back home from her school that wasn't U.A. no matter how hard she wished for it. She opens her front door only to find no one was home. "Looks like they're working late... again," she thought. A few hours later, she hears a knock on her bedroom door,
"Come in!"
"Hey, honey. I have some good and bad news." her mom said as she sat next to her in bed.
"Bad news first."
"You're going to have to leave school because you're going back to Japan."
"That's no bad news that's the best news I'll ever hear!" (Y/n) shouted excitedly
"Before you continue celebrating, the good news is that I made a few calls and is that you'll be taking U.A.'s entrance exams."
"No way! Thank you, thank you!"
"There's a catch though..." she immediately became quiet and widened her eyes at her mother
"You won't be living with us. You'll be living with a pro-hero called Midnight, she works at the school"
"Wait, what?! Mom?! I can't live with somebody I don't even know! I'd rather live with you and Dad!"
Her mother sighed and shook her head as she got up, ready to leave,
"You can choose between staying here, with us or going to U.A, the school of your dreams."
"Wha-? I never asked for this... you can't make me choose."
"Well, you have to and you will. Please think about this carefully. No regrets" and with that, her mother shut the door.

3 days later, she had finally made a decision. She ran to the kitchen as soon as she got home from school.
"Mom! I finally chose something!"
"What is it?"
"I-I want to go to Japan."
"Then, you're going to Japan. Start packing your bags. We'll send your things in boxes a while after you get there."
(Y/n) ran to her mom, hugged her and whispered, "Thank you so much"

That very night, she left for Japan.

Midnight picked her up at the airport, later going to her house.
"I'm sure you'll enjoy staying here (Y/n). I'm a friend of your mom's by the way. She told me you guys used to live here in Japan before a few years back. Are you still in touch with any of your old friends?"
"Well, there was that blonde kid and that green kid I used to hang out with, but I don't have any connections to them."
"I'm sure you'll make new friends at school. You'll take your test tomorrow and start next week, so get plenty of rest. I'll order you something to eat."
"Thank you so much for everything Ms. Midnight."
"Call me Kayama instead."
"Thank you, Kayama"
(Y/n) was very nervous when she woke the next morning. She wasn't prepared to take the test at all. It took Midnight's comforting her for a long time before she calmed down.
"Relax. You'll pass easily."
"But what if I fail? What if-?"
"You won't fail. You're gonna pass, no sweat. Now relax and go take your test."

A few hours later, (Y/n) passed her test and was finally able to go to her dream school, U.A. When she returned to her new home, Midnight had prepared a little celebration for her dream come true.

(The next week)

An annoying, ringing sound woke (Y/n) that morning, it was her alarm. She turned off her alarm and very slowly got up from the bed. She did her usual routine shower, change and lastly, breakfast, then off to school, she went.

Aizawa greeted (Y/n) and took her along the hallways to Class 1-A.

"Today, we have a new student joining us." as he turned to face her.
"Hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I look forward to this school year."

The room was silent, but suddenly a loud mumbling was heard from the green haired boy.
"(Y/n)!" he quickly stood up and yelled.
"Y-yes?" he ran over to her and hugged her. It took her a moment to process what was happening
"Izuku! It's nice to see you again."
"It's nice to see you too"
Aizawa cleared his throat, " (L/n), you can sit next to Bakugou Katsuki, for now."
She turned around and widened her eyes to see her old best friend, who was clearly fuming and making small explosions in his hand.
"You didn't change at all, Katsuki."


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