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••• Violet's point of view •••

Sebastian and I lay in bed waiting for sleep to come. In the dark I saw his skinny figure roll over, he was facing me. I made out the shape of his face, the moon was coming through a gap in the curtains- I could see the slight green to his eyes. Even in the dark they still found a way to shine.

"You asleep Vi?" His deep voice quietly pierced through the night. He sounded tired, worn, exactly how I felt.


He moved his head against the pillow, his hand came in contact with mine. It was warm and comforting in the cold night. "If I'd never of pulled you into that alley, then I'm not sure where I'd be right now. Maybe I'd be ashes sprinkled on the earth, maybe I'd be lying in the bottom of a overrated pond. But I wouldn't have this perfect life that I have with you right now. I never imagined that one person could change me so much. You've done that for me- you changed me, you saved me. I want to thank you for the memories even if some of them weren't all that good, and hell- we got in trouble so much." Sebastian chuckled.

"Overall you've made my life better, we've had two beautiful children, whom I dearly love as much as you. Vi, I want to spend forever with you. It sounds selfish but it's hard not to be when I'm around you, for I-"

He choked on his words. I was choking too, just silently. His words meant so much- I loved how he sculpted his words carefully yet they sounded so effortless coming out of his mouth. I felt the same way about him. I remembered back on everything and I've loved him for so long- I wasn't going to stop loving him, he was mine- I was his.

"When I'm around you, for I-" Sebastian tried to shove the words out of his mouth once more, I felt his soft heartbeat against my chest as he held me close to him.

"I will love you, always."

Nephilim - Sebastian's Second SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora