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Sebastian's Second Sister part 16


••• Violet's point of view•••

Clary stepped into the room.

"Hey Violet I just wanted to- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She had looked up from the floor and looked at us.

Her mouth dropped open as she tried to figure out what was going on. I was in so much trouble.

Clary's eyes flickered between our entangled bodies. I crawled off of Sebastian who began to smirk at Clary, he was going to say something stupid.

"Well," he rolled over to face her. "When two people have feelings for each other, they find that they can't be separated and BAM! They are in each others arms."

Sebastian smiled cheekily satisfied with his answer. I would've laughed at him if the situation wasn't to grave. We forgot to lock the stupid door AGAIN. Well in my defense I wasn't planning to do anything he just overwhelmed me with his sexiness.

Clary's expression was hard to read, as i was constantly changing.

"Please tell me that you haven't gone further than this," Clary pleaded.

I'm not good at lying, they both know that, especially Clary. She looks to me for an answer I stay quiet and hope Sebastian will reply. He doesn't.

By the silence Clary knows we are guilty, she put her hand to her head in frustration.

"Honestly Violet? I knew Sebastian was sick-"

"Why thank you!" He smiled.

Her lips went into a thin line as she held in all her anger. "It wasn't a compliment."

Sebastian's face dropped and Clary continued. "I knew Sebastian was sick, but I didn't expect you to drop to his level. Violet you did it with your own brother!"

Her words set in and made a mark on my brain. What was I thinking? My own brother, we come from the same mother and father. What would Jocelyn think? This isn't realistic, If this actually did work out we couldn't have children it just doesn't work like that, we couldn't get married or anything.

It was wrong. But it felt so right? My subconscious offered me. True, it felt good to be loved after all those years of being alone. That is how he felt too, I've heard his story, I know. It wasn't realistic but then what was? What is realistic these days? Half of the things that exist don't even make sense....nothing does.

I nodded slowly. "I know. It's not realistic but I love him and he loves me back. It is the first love I have had in ages, nobody else loves me," my eyes started to water. Sebastian rubbed my back comfortingly.

"I love you," I lifted my head to Clary's voice. "I hid you away from all of this because I didn't want you to get hurt. Everything I ever did was for you, same with Mom, she did it for you too. All those warnings, those sessions with Magnus to make you forget this world, it was all for you. Because we love you."

She was right. Looking back on those memories now I can start to see her side of the story. I pulled away from Sebastian and stood up. I couldn't love him like that anymore, it took me so long to realize that it was wrong. It wasn't realistic.

"Sebastian," I said.

"No." He pleaded.

I took a breath. "This is wrong, you are my brother. I love you and it took me so long to realize but I don't love you like that. I love you like a brother."

With every word I said my heart became heavier, it felt like lies but I knew that was just the reality setting in.

His black eyes began to water as he pleaded. "Please no. Don't do this! I love you!" Sebastian broke down into tears.

"I love you too just not like that," I said. Clary had put her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me that this was the right thing to do.

Sebastian was shaking on the bed, I struggled to understand him. "Are you going to leave me then? Like everyone else has left me? You know before you came my life was just fucking dark, then you came and lit it up, made me see the world in a different way. Are you going to leave me and take that away?"

I struggled to breathe, his words were hitting me in the heart. With every blow it made me weaker.

"I'm not leaving you, I just don't..."

I couldn't continue, I have to walk out of the room before I brake down.

I walked to the door with Clary on my heels. I took one look over my shoulder at him. He was sitting upright now. His hair clung to his tear stained face, Sebastian's eyes were red from the crying.

"Leave me then, Like everyone else."

I flew down the stairs and into the downstairs bathroom. I locked myself in and the tears began.

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