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Sebastian's Second Sister part 29


••• Violet's point of view •••

"No, no it isn't." We all looked to Jocelyn as she spoke. "It possibly can't be."

"What are you talking about Mom?" Clary approached Jocelyn, placing a hand on her shaking shoulder.

"Vi-Violet..." Mom stuttered.

Violet what? Is there something wrong with me? What possibly could my mother say?

"Violet is adopted."

Wait...WHAT?! I shook in shock at the words. How am I adopted? I mean maybe thats why I didn't have the same hair colour as Clary and Jocelyn, why I don't remember Valentine at all... I looked to Sebastian. He had the same shocked look on his face.

"How?" I asked, a simple question, but it was stupid of me to ask.

Jocelyn looked out from behind her hands that had been covering her face. "I wanted another child for Clary to grow up with. I couldn't though, I couldn't go back to Valentine. I'd heard of a Shadowhunter friend of mine dying after having a baby. Her name was Anna Ashwell, she was your mother. You had nobody to go to, the family name had died out. I took you in as my own."

I looked to Jace, surely he would understand this feeling, he was adopted into the Lightwood family. He nodded curtly.

Sebastian's hand slipped into mine, I squeezed it tighter hoping that he wasn't a lie too.

I understood why Mom did it, and I was grateful for it, but all this time...I thought.

That's what caused so many arguments, my brother, who wasn't my actual brother at all.

Then I realized...if I am a adopted child I can marry Sebastian, as he isn't my biological brother. I held in my excitement although my stomach was doing flips inside.

"So it's not incest?" Luke said, processing the information.

Jocelyn looked up at him. "No, it's not."

Clary came over to me, I looked at her as she walked over. She pulled me away from Sebastian. As we walked away I looked over my shoulder to see Kyle patting Sebastian on the back. Sebastian had an awkward look on his face, he was confused.

Clary pulled me into my room, just as Jace had done not so long ago. She shut the door behind her, (just as Jace had as well) Clary turned to face me.

Suddenly she pulled me into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder apologizing. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know, and I shouldn't have been like that, trying to keep you apart it was inevitable. I thought I knew him, but you have changed him by giving him something he needed, something none of us tried to give him. Love."

It was true. So she had noticed the change in him too. I patted her back gently. She left my touch. "I've seen his eyes. That green wasn't always there, was it?"

I smiled, I was glad she had seen the small ring of green. "No, it wasn't. At first it was just breif flashes of it, but now when he found me again it was permanent."

She brushed her fiery red hair away from her face as she paced the room. She stopped and flicked her eyes up to mine. "Go for it."

"What do you mean?"

"Marry him, live your life with him. I'm not going to stop you anymore- if you love him then you should go for it." I appreciated Clary's change in attitude for ou- her brother and I to be together. I made a mental note to thank Raziel later.

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