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Sebastian's Second Sister 

Chapter 1: Abundance

DISCLAIMER- This is a fan fiction written on the works of Cassandra Clare. I can only take ownership of my characters that aren't in any of her works or any others . This shall not be used in any way, shape or form to make money or profits. It is purely for entertainment only.

••• Violet's point of view•••

I was brought up in the institute. My mother; Jocelyn took me there when I was young and had to leave my older sister Clary behind. I stayed in my room only to appear for food or a book from the library. Even after my sister found out about the shadow world I stayed in my room, away from people. I'm definitely a shadowhunter. I've just never killed a demon. Presently I'm sitting on my bed reading about certain runes and their properties.

 The book wasn't all that entertaining, however it was the only book in my room at the moment. I figured I could go and get another one but that would include passing people in the institute. There aren't many occupants of the institute but there is a high chance that I would run into someone. I slid off my bed picking up the book and holding it against my chest. My feet led me to the wooden door that hid me from the others. Clary had told me once that not all shadowhunters are good. She spoke of a man; Valentine. She told me of the horrors he had committed, the atrocities.

I was afraid of the other shadowhunters. I felt as though I couldn't trust them, I found it hard to trust anyone these days. Ever since my mother abandoned me at the institute, my green eyes told the story so clearly. I could see the color fading from them everyday as I lost more and more trust for everyone including myself. My hair was fading too. The once fiery red color had turned to a lighter shade due to not having much contact with the sunlight.

I gripped the door handle and turned it. The door swung open, letting natural light into my room. I looked down the hallway. It was blissfully empty. I started to walk toward the library. The sunlight poured in through the glass windows. It created irregular shapes and shadows on the hard wood floor. The warmth of the sun hit my pale skin, I had been starting to forget the feel of the sun on my skin. Maybe I would go outside later for a walk, although I'd have to take my stele and knife.

A mess of ebony hair rounded the corner and headed for me. Alec passed me without a single glance. I liked him as he completely ignores me, he understands I want to be left alone. I finally reached the large-circular library. Ten minutes later I had exchanged the book for three new ones. With the books in one arm I went to leave through the arched doors.

My sister blocked the doorway when she walked in. Her red hair hung in loose ringlets over her shoulders: a red flaming mane. "Hey Violet, what are you doing?" She said kindly, giving me a small smile. She tried to hide her shock at having seen me somewhere other than inside of my gloomy room.

I adjusted the books in my arms, "Just getting some books. I'm going to go outside for some air later," I informed her quickly. I was already trying to escape back to the safety of my room. 

Clary's eyes grew wide in panic, she grasped my arm to stop me from shuffling away. "No, Sebastian is out there!" Her words held more meaning behind them. I could easily see there was more to her statement. This is why I had trouble trusting, she wasn't telling me the whole story.

I looked at her quizzically. "Who's Sebastian?" I asked, hoping to get a straightforward answer out of her.

"He's-" She looked away. "A half-demon who wants to kill us. He's worse than Valentine." Again, there was more to the story, she didn't exactly explain his motives. Although maybe she or the Clave had no idea of his motives.

Valentine was pretty bad. Before he died in the war I'd caught snippets of conversation - that's how I found out he was dead. I was having  a hard time imagining someone who was claimed to be worse than Valentine. A lot of deaths were caused by Valentine's hands.  "He will kill you Violet. In the worst way immaginable. Don't go outside you will get hurt." Clary tried to discourage me.

"Okay." I quivered for effect. I definitely was going outside. I was not one to follow the direct instructions of anyone whom i didn't trust - and in that case I didn't trust Clary.

She couldn't dissuade me, there was always some excuse for me not to go outside. I needed the air and I was going. I walked back to my room where I deposited my books. I pulled on my combat boots and threw a light-weight black coat on. I stashed my stele and knife in my pocket, just in case.
I rushed outside and onto the street before anyone could notice I was missing. The wind was blowing slightly but the sun kept it warm. The Autumn leaves scattered over the pavement carelessly. My hair swayed in the wind, tangling somewhat. I watched as mundanes bustled around me, going about their average lives. 

"Violet!" I heard a shout. I turned to see Clary approaching me. She had realized too quickly that I had left, I supposed I had seemed too eager to get back to my room. 
I ran. I ran from her and into the crowd. I lost myself immediately. Pushing myself through the mass of people until I reached the other side of the road. I leaned against a wall for support. I couldn't see her anywhere, my shoulders sagged in relief. I was saf-
I got pulled into a nearby alley by an unfamiliar grasp.

I struggled against my captor's hold. They let go. I whipped out my knife and stood in a defensive stance. my foot scraped against the dark concrete of the dingy alleyway. 
"Sorry if I scared you, I need your help." It was a guy. His voice stayed strong despite the fact that I had a knife. He had pale white hair. It was as if it was blonde but faded from no sunlight. Like me.

I shook my head. I spoke to him in a mocking tone, being a little playful as he looked indigent."Who the hell does that these days? Pulling someone into an alley, it's rude as fuc-"

"Sorry, I need your help." His charcoal black eyes glinted with something dangerous; a dangerous adventure.

I put my knife in my pocket and stood straight. "What do you need help with?" 

He smiled mysteriously and walked through a vicinal  door. Did he expect me to follow him? Should I follow him? I thought about it, and came up with the conclusion that; he is probably just a human whereas I am a shadowhunter. I should more powerful than him so I took the opportunity to follow the mysterious boy.

I opened the door and walked through. I looked around to see that I was in a pristine appartment. He was giving me a look from the doorway down the hall. I turned around to see the door I just came through was gone.  "Where's the door gone?" I asked in bewilderment.

He rolled his eyes as he walked towards me. I backed away as he pinned me against the wall.
"Portal," was all he whispered to me. It made sense. However then...he wasn't human.

My eyes grew wide. "Who are you?"

He smiled as he opened his mouth to speak, "you may call me Sebastian."

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