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Sebastian's Second Sister part 24


••• Violet's point of view •••

"I can explain," Kyle started, pointing to his marked arms. "These are tattoos and this," he held up his stele, "is a special tattoo pen."

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. There is no other way to put it, I know he is lying. He must think I am mundane. Just like I thought he was...

"Cut the crap Kyle," I said blatantly.

He looked taken back he hadn't expected those words out of my mouth. His pupils were dilated from shock. "Wha- what d-do you mean?" He stuttered.

I rolled my eyes. It was right in front of me that whole time, I completely ignored the latin thing and Jace saying that Kyle looks familiar. It would also explain why he was in my dream sorta.

I rubbed the concealer off of my arm, revealing the marks below it. I pulled my stele out and shoved it in his face. "I'm a shadowhunter too."

He didn't take it as well as I did. His eyes widened as he pieced together everything.

"We didn't go to kindergarten together did we?"

Kyle shook his head. And I was ready to just get over this already. I pulled him off of the ground and looked into his bright eyes.

I smiled. Genuinely. He began to smile back, understanding that it was alright. A flash of gold lit up his irises- it was like watching a bomb full of glitter go off in them.

He raised his eyebrow. "Breakfast?" Kyle said.

My stomach began to growl. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now, I could do with some frosty flakes to fill my empty cavern.

I nodded and went to put some concealer on and change before greeting him in the kitchen.

He smiled. "Cute hat," Kyle poked it. A blush crept across my face.

It was my woolen penguin beanie. It had small beads as eyes and a pom pom on top that flopped about like a fish.

I noticed that Kyle was cooking some bacon in a frying pan, a spatula in his hand. "Didn't that Jace guy say something about the lining of your stomach going red when you blush?"

I nodded, the heat in my cheeks rising rapidly as I tried to stop it. In the end I just let my pale hair cover my face, it was much easier. I didn't like the way he was laughing at me, I just don't expect it when people give me comlipments.

He pointed the spatula at me. "If only you could be this shy all the time, it would be so quiet."

I punched him in the shoulder playfully, smiling at his comment.

"Can you get me a plate out of that cupboard please?" Kyle pointed to a small door behind me. I turned to get the plate.

I saw Kirsty enter the kitchen ot of the corner of my eye. "You wouldn't hit a girl would you Kyle?" She said sleepily.

I looked around to see Kyle's hand in a fist, it was aimed towards me. I started to laugh, Kirsty joined in. He was going to punch me back only to be caught in the act.

Kyle forced the laughter away by starting a conversation. "Where's Theo today?"

Kirsty perky mood became shadowed slightly. "He's out, he said it looked like a nice day to go for a walk."

"And you didn't want to go?" Kyle poked cautiously, trying to find out more. I had a feeling he was treading on very thin ice here. Kirsty was looking down blinking back tears. I guestured to Kyle to cut it out.

"He said," Kirsty sniffed. "He said that he has stuff to do and he doesn't need me to interfere."

I wanted to pull the girl into a hug, to comfort her. Kyle had beaten me to it. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her- rubbing the small of her back gently as she sobbed into his shirt.

Then it hit me. Not literally.

Kyle likes Kirsty, thats why he's upset when she and Theo are around. I literally wanted to slap myself. It was obvious, why didn't I see it sooner? Why hasn't everyone else figured it out yet?

That's why he was crying in his room. That's how...

Kyle pulled away from her, the height difference showed, he was taller than everyone here. He put on a smile for her. "All three of us should go out, I heard there was a concert in the park tonight."

Kirsty forced a smile and agreed to the plan.

Then we looked at each other- wondering what to do in the meantime. Kyle's face twisted as he began moaning strangely.

I looked at him in shock, hoping he wasn't doing what I thought he was.

"Braaainnnss!" He outstretched his arms; flailing them in the air.

Kirsty looked at me. "Run," she said.

We screamed as Kyle chased us about the house, trying to catch us. It was all fun and laughter, if only moments like these could last forever, if only happiness lasts forever.

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