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    You talked with Jin. He was here to know how is everything going with there future Luna. You of course had to lie. He was really fun to talk to. After your talk ended he left.
     It was already late at night. You heard that doors are opened. You knew that it was Jungkook, but you didn't like his smell. You went downstairs and your heart ashed. He was covered in lipstick and now you could sense other women scents. He was hella drunk. You came to Jungkook to help him, but instead accepting your help he pushed you down and shouted:
    - Don't touch me you fat ass! Why from all the wolves you had to be my mate!? This ugly, fat cow that is not even good to be a meal!- you heart ashed even more. You couldn't take it so you said:
     - Then reject me.
     - With pleasure! Y/F/N, I reject you as my mate!- you felt how you heart started to slow down slowly. You almost fell, but got hold of you balance. Jungkook went to his room and went to sleep. You didn't. You wanted to enjoy your last moments admiring the nature so you slowly started to head outside, but before that you left a note to Jungkook.
    It was full moon tonight. The wolves night. You walked around the land of you pack remembering some things. Childhood, wasn't the best for you, but even then you had something to be happy about.
    Sun started to rise. With every minute your body felt weaker and weaker. Before going to the land of rogues you decided to visit your mom for the last time.
    Her grave was beautiful, because you and father were taking care of it. You spoke:
     - Hi mom, like you see I'm dying. I'm sorry that I won't be able to take care of your grave anymore. I don't want to see my mate unhappy because of me so he did a right thing in rejecting me. We should meet soon. I have some time left, but I can feel that I will be struggling to get out of here. I will use my secret path there that no one would see me or sense me. Bye mom. We will meet soon and we will be able to take care of father together,- with that you slowly started to go to your secret path to rogue land.
    Hours were passing. Sun was already high. You were still far away from your destination and the pain in your heart, your body that kept becoming weaker didn't help with your journey. After some time your steps started to become painful, but you didn't give up. Even with all those struggles you still managed to enjoy the natures beauty.
      Sun started to go down. Your body gave in. You were so close to your destination, but decided not to fight anymore, because you had a breath taking view in front. The sunset was wonderful. All the nature were at it's best. You started to listen to the music of the wind, flowing water, animals and more. You spoke with your wolf:
    - I'm sorry for being not good enough,- she answered with weak voice:
     - Don't say it like that Y/N. You did what you had to. Like your father said we had a really small chance of survival. Don't think that you were not good enough, it's just they didn't see how truly wonderful you are from both inside and out. I am really glad that I was your wolf even if it wasn't for that long as I wished. I love you Y/N.
    - I love you too Terra,- and your eyes closed waiting for your death.

Different Mate / Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now