Chapter 13- An unwanted visiter

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It was 2.45am when I looked at my watch. It's pitch black and no one is around. I miss my boobear. Wait what is that? A dark shadow started to come towards me. I was getting a little scared when this old guy like in the late 30's starts to move from next to me and I realise that we are in a basement and I could see the faint outline of blood dripping down the guys head. As I try to sit up my head starts to throb and I wince as the pain shoots down my neck to my back. I don't remember how I got here or what has happened but all I can think about is 'I might die'. The guy next to me reaches out and grabs my arms and pulls me towards him. I scream in pain as my back starts to ache again and try to push away but even though he is injured he is too strong for me. As he pulls me closer I can feel his breath on my skin making me want to be sick. 

"You liked me last night" the guy said in a deep creepy voice that sent shivers down my spine.

'What do you mean, I have never met you in my life!" I screamed as his grip got tighter and I scream in pain as my arm becomes bruised by the minute.

"You put on quite a show last night."

"W-what do you mean?" I said as my voice cracked.

"Well lets just say it was fun," He said whilst standing up and walking out of the room.


I was sitting down in the empty street when all of the sudden a men is standing next to me. "Hello Love," he whispers. He grabs me by the arms and pulls me up, slamming me against the wall. 


I shock my head this can't be happening. I know what he did. He raped me last night. What else did he do? I am now in his house. Lying in a bed to find that I am only in underwear. I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming towards the room. The door slowly creaks open and a young girl walks in with my breakfast. She placed the plate on the edge of my bed and walked out. I climbed out of the bed and walked around the room.


He starts to kiss me with his hands placed on my waist. He slowly moves one down to my thigh and one around my neck. He moves his lips down my jawline and finds my weak spot and starts to suck on it and I let out a small groan. He is now pushing me harder into the wall so that his body is closer to mine. I push him off me and he lands on the road. He slowly stands back up and I decide to make a run but stops me with his foot as I trip and land face first on the ground. 


Just as the flashback ends the guy walks into the room and makes his way towards me. I start to get a little worried that something serious is going to happen. He places his arm around me and kisses me on the cheek. He grabs me and lays me down and lies on top of me. He starts to kiss me and unclips my bra but I push him off with all the energy I have, which is not much. He stands up and punches me in the ribs. I cry in pain and he comes back and starts to yell at me not taking any of it except that I need to do what he says. 

 Will I ever make it out of here in time to go back and see Louis????

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