Chapter 25- A BIG surprise

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I can’t believe my girlfriend nearly got shot by some guy. Who was that guy? Why would he do that to her? All these questions were going through my head but I stopped thinking of them when I heard Issy call my name. I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. 

“Lou. I need to tell you something” I looked at her and she started again.

“That guy that I shoot was my ex and he came here to get me back but now he is ddead” She started to cry. No I hate seeing her cry. I breaks my heart.

“Hey honey its okay. Here lets get out are you hungry?” she shook her head. “Well lets get some rest then,” 

“But I need to ask you something very serious.

She waited for a few minutes before she continued, "Do you want a baby?” She said while getting out and got changed.

I thought about this for a few minutes. I then realised that I wanted a kid. I know I am young but 21 is ok.

“Yes Yes. I would love one. But only if your the mumma. Do you want one?”

She answered straight away while walking out the door and me following not far behind, “Yes, but only if your the dadda.” She stopped and turned around and had a huge smile on her face. I walked over and gave her a kiss. then whispered ‘lets go to bed, you’ve had a tough day. She went and laid down and straight away she fell asleep and I wasn’t far behind. 

I woke up with the sun on my face. As I turned over I noticed Issy was still asleep. Today was the day. I was going to propose to Issy, my soul mate. I got up and walked down stairs to see all my sisters and my mum making pancakes. 

“Morning girls. I need to ask you something,” I stopped to see if they were going to say anything but they all just looked at me.

“I am going to propose to Issy tonight.” All my sisters screamed and my mum came over to me a gave me a hug. She then whispered, ‘I will support you as long as your happy’. I smiled as I was happy that I was able to get her permission. Now to get her mums and tell the boys. I was going to set up a candle night dinner on the beach with roses and obviously candles, dur Louis. I went over to the phone and dialed Issy’s mums number she answered and then we talked about it and she said yes. I hung up and went upstairs and got changed. I then ran back downstairs and told the family that I was going to tell the boys. I walked outside and jumped in a cab.


I woke up to find no Louis next to me. I got up and got changed and then did my hair and makeup. I walked downstairs and as soon as I saw the girls and Lou’s mum, I ran and gave them all hugs. 

“Where’s Loui?” They all looked at each other and then back at me.

“He is visiting the boys,” 

“Oh I will go there now.” I said back to them. Frizzy shoot up and then said that she wanted to have a day out with me to go shopping and stuff. I agreed as I totally needed clothes and stuff.


I walked into Niall’s apartment and all the boys and Sarah were sitting on the couch. I walked over and stood in front of the tv. All the boys moaned and looked up at me. 

“Boys I have to tell you something.”

“Okay tell us,” Liam said.

“I need to tell you that I am proposing to Issy tonight.” They all cheered and then stopped an asked me so many questions. 

“How are you going to do it?” Sarah asked me.

“I am going to set up a candle light dinner on the beach. With music and roses and the ring. Sarah, will you come to the ring shop with me to pick a ring?” She nodded and got up. We got up and said goodbye and then we walked out.

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