Guns and Gas

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"BACON'S READY!" I crinkled my nose. Bacon? Did someone really say bacon? It didn't smell like bacon and my nose doesn't lie about food, maybe I should check though just in case. Perhaps there really is bacon. I opened up my eyes and searched the giant room for the red strips of deliciousness as I remembered just where I am. There was no possible way bacon could've come into this deserted place and none in fact was in sight, my nose was right. "Ha! I told you he would wake up if we said that," I heard a feminine voice say. I turned my head and saw Danielle with a big grin on her face. It was the kind of grin that said "I told you so". Liam stood right beside her in a semi-happy mood as well.

"How dare you lie about bacon! You do not mess around with my bacon feelings." I replied towards Danielle as I turned around so my back would face her.

"Aw I'm sorry Nialler for hurting your bacon feelings. Those are some pretty important feelings....Maybe we have some bacon flavored chips in the car that we can get to just as soon as everyone else wakes up" Danielle replied as I felt two skinny arms wrap around me in a hug. All was forgiven. I turned around but quickly pulled away from Danielle as soon as I saw Liam's clenched jaw. He was quite protective of her. I didn't like her in that way at all, but it was hard to be friends with her when you can never touch her. Danielle rushed back to Liam's arms as she realized what was going on and the smile grew once again on Liam's face.

"Alright well who else is asleep?" I asked.

"The lovebirds in the corner and Harry" Danielle said as she pointed to Zayn and Perrie who had somehow moved away from everyone else and off to the side while completely entangling themselves together. It was cute in a I want to throw up right now kind of way. I made my way over to Harry and sat right on his stomach.

"Oof" Harry let out as his eyes groggily opened. He pushed me off and groaned as he sat up. After surveying the room, his eyes suddenly opened widely. "Wheres Haley? Is she okay? What happened?" The thought hadn't even occurred to me that she was gone. Louis also seemed to be missing. I'm sure my eyes widened as large as Harry's as I realized that people were missing and now was not a good time to be gone.

"She had to go pee so Louis went with her outside so she could go. We decided it wasn't the smartest idea to go out on your own," Liam answered our nerves. I let out a sigh, but Harry didn't seem as satisfied with this answer. What was up with him? Just on cue, Haley and Louis walk through the door. Louis was following sleepily behind Haley. They came over to us and sat on the freezing ground.

"Are the lovers still asleep?" Haley asked looking at Danielle. I looked over at Harry whose eyes were flickering back and forth between Louis and Haley with no emotion on his face. Louis didn't seem to notice. He looked down while twiddling his thumbs. I managed to look up from all these random emotions running in the air to see Danielle and Haley tiptoeing over to Zayn and Perrie. They reached them and nodded at each other before bending down right next to their ears.

"ZOMBIES! GET UP NOW! WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW! WE FIGURED OUT THEY LIKE PANTS SO TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS AND THROW THE PANTS AT THEM! ALSO ACT LIKE A CHICKEN, THAT WAY THEY DON'T THINK YOU'RE A HUMAN," Haley and Danielle yelled together. Zayn and Perrie sat straight up beginning to unbutton their pants while attempting to untangle their legs from each other. Let's just say it wasn't working out very well. Perrie began to let out a bawk. No one could hold it in any longer and we all burst out laughing. I could even hear a little giggle coming from Louis and Harry who had just moment ago been in some of their worst depressed and angry moods. Zayn and Perrie froze realizing what was going on. Perrie smoothed down her hair as she tried to look somewhat decent after what just happened. Zayn rushed to button up his pants again and soon Perrie followed in doing this. Before long they were up and chasing after Danielle and Haley who couldn't hide or run very far.

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