Chapter four

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///ok I'm not gong to lie having to write (y/n) instead of JJ is killing me and I'm constantly correcting myself but hay whatever warning there will be cursing and possible trigger for sadness if you lost a mother figure (if you did I'm so sorry *tear*)

//your POV//

"Well hello Francis, this is (y/n)!" Oliver said with a broads smile. The man-your guessing is Francis- looked at you.

"What happened to you kid?" He asked with a sneer. You got nervous and grabbed Oliver's hand. He reminded you of your father but he was nicer. (Not by much but at least he didn't hit you)

"Francis! Don't be so harsh towards the poor little poppet!" Oliver defended you and picked you up in his arms. You snuggled up to him and held on tight.

"It's ok mr.Oliver." You whisper to him. He looks at you and 'hmm's' to you.

"I said its ok Mr.Oliver." You say a little louder. He looks into your (e/c) eyes (though you where looking at his lips) with a little smile.

"If you say so poppet." He says and walks out of the bathroom.

"Matt Francis I'm putting (y/n) to bed, Matt could you clean the bathroom?" He asks. Matt nodded in response.

"And Francis I would like to talk to you when I get back." He continues. Francis rolls his eyes and says "whatever, I'll be downstairs." And walks down he stairs.

"Is he always like that?" You as, in your tiny voice that Oliver just adored. He giggles and nods his head.

He leads you into a room and puts you into the bed.

"But you'll get use to it." You where confused and about to ask him what he meant but a wave of sleepiness hit you like a brick. You close your eyes and try to sleep but you have always struggled with insomnia. No matter now hard you tried or how tired you where you just couldn't sleep sometimes. Oliver must have thought you where asleep because he left and closed the door, keeping it slightly open incase you woke up. You didn't say anything because there was no need for him in there and you for once fell asleep.

//Oliver's POV//

Once (y/n) fell asleep I walked down stairs almost tripping on Kuma who was waiting outside the door. He walked in as I was closing the door. 'So cute!' I thunk when I see him cuddle up to (y/n). I continue to walk downstairs to the living room where Francis was most likely to be. I was right. When I walk in I see him sitting on the couch with a cigarette in his mouth about to light it.

"Francis don't you dare with the little poppet in the house." I say in a hushed tone trying not to wake her up.

He again rolls his eyes but takes it out if his mouth and puts it on the table.

"So who's the kid?" He asks in a bored tone.

"The 'kid' has a name and it's (y/n) just so you know and your going to have to get use to it because she's staying here." I tell him putting my foot down.

"Oh he'll no. I'm not taking in some runt you found and thought was cute." He tells me.

"Well I'm not taking her home, I think her dad was hurting her!" I yell at him.

"I don't give a damn she ain't staying here, I don't care what you do with her just get her out!" He yells back.

Little did I know (y/n) was behind the door frame and heard everything.

"P-p-p-please don't b-br-bring me b-b-back th-there." She said with tears in her eyes. She look absolutely terrified. She started to cry and I went to go pick her up but before I could get to her Al came from behind and picked her up and held her to his chest where she continued to weep helplessly. I looked back at Francis with puppy eyes showing that she really couldn't go back but he didn't seem fazed. Oh corse. I put my attention back to (y/n) and see matts there now to and is looking at her over Al's shoulder, talking to her quietly. This seemed to make her feel better be cause her crying died down into hiccups and sniffles. I reach my arms out to Al but he shakes his head and holds her tight. It was like a switch turned on in his and Matts brains and they turned into these over protective parents.
"(Y/n) I hate to ask this but what happened to you at your house that is making you so sad?" Matt asked in a carful voice. She sniffles a little more and Al and Matt sit on to other side of the couch while I sit on the table.
"Well it has always been this way." She says and wipes the tears off her face. "When I was born I was coming out the wrong way and they had to do something to mommy that needed surgery and she died of blood lose and daddy would always tell me it was my fault and would hurt me saying it was my fault. He would hit me, kick and throw me and I only really got food at school and even then I get hurt. I'm different I guess. They would laugh at me because I like to read instead of go outside on the playground, or that I don't talk much, and when I do I look at there lips instead. I don't mean to its just I can't pay attention when I look in people's eyes. I tend to get lost in them to easily, there just so pretty." She said all of this while looking at the ground.
"Oh poppet I'm so sorry!" I say with little tears pricking the corners of my eyes. She looked up confused but like she said she looked at my lips not my eyes.
"Why would you be sorry you didn't do anything? I just wish I could stay here." She said In a longing tone.
I gasp "Francis can she." Al and Matt look at hi while (y/n) looks back down at the ground and plays with the ends of her skirt.
With a sigh he said "...

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