chapter thirteen

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///hay guys sorry for updating so late i really didn't mean to but school can get in the way sometimes. hopefully this will make up for it. also hope you like red velvet pancakes (1p Canada/ 2p Canada) because if you don't i hate to break it to you but this will be the whole chapter. sorry if you don't. there will be some cursing but i mean this the 2ps where talking about here. umm... other then that i think that's it.  that you so much for all the reads, votes and comments. i really love reading your comments guys! you guys are awesome! so ya that's it. have a great day! ~Jem/// 

//3rd person POV//

you read your new book out loud to your dad as he brushes your (h/c) hair and puts them in pig tails. you finish the short book before he's done so you just sit there waiting for him to finish. when he does he pats your head and says,

"where did you learn to read so well?" 

"well when i went to school i would go to the reading corner instead of outside so i just got better and also i would hide in my room from my old daddy because he would hurt me so if i would stay in my closet then he would forget me." you say matter of factly.

"why would you go in the closet?" he asks getting worried.

"because i wasn't able to lock my door from the inside."

"so he would lock you in there?" he says shifting you slightly on his lap so you could see him. you just hum and nod in response. 

your dad brings you in a hug but it gets interrupted by the phone ringing. he puts you down and runs to the phone. you look at him talking but got bored waiting for him so you went upstairs to go play with Al. 

ever since the whole aquarium incident you have gotten closer to him and like to spend time in his room.

also he lets you play games on his phone. 

you knock on his door and wait until he tells you that you can come in. when he does you open the door and run in, climbing on him bed. he laughs at you trying to get up. in your defence though his bed was high up compared to yours. you where also like six. he puts his phone down and helps you up. 

"hay there doll whats up?" 

you where about to answer 'nothing' when you hear hurried footsteps. you two look at Al's still open door to find Matt walk by. you both just stare at the door for a second before looking at each other with cheshire cat grins.

Al puts you on his shoulders and quietly goes downstairs to hear Matt yell to your dad.

"its none of your damn business where I'm going."

"Matt! swear jar! Now!" your dad yells back. 

you hear the clanking of coins on glass and hurried footsteps once again. Al hides the two of you by the doorway connecting to the stair so Matt wouldn't see you two looking at him leave. when he go's out the door Al darts with you now in his arms so he wont drop you and runs out. quickly getting in his car to follow Matt's now speeding off one. you buckle into the passengers seat as Al starts the car. he speeds away trying to catch up to Matt. 

when he finally does you two find him pulling into the mall parking lot. 

"why the hell is he going to the damn mall?" Al asks parking far away from Matt's car but not to far.

"i don't know." you say now immune to the amount of curse words that come out of your uncles and brothers mouths. "lets follow him. like spy's." you say gaining a smile again looking up to your brother.

"ya. i got to know what the hell hes doing here. he hates the mall." you nod at your brother and look at the mirror in the sun visor and fix your pig tails before opening the door and climbing out.

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