Not sure what this is

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///Hay guys I would like to say that I'm so sorry about not updating and making excuses about why I haven't. I would like to also thank all of you for the many views. 18.7k to be exact! I am so happy that so many people like my story! I really don't know what to say except thank you! I would also like to thank you for all the lovely comments. A few people have DMed me about the story and weather or not I was continuing. I am. I just have terrible writers block for this story so if it is ok with you guys I'm going to post the second chapter of the new story I'm writing. I want you guys to tell me how it is and weather or not I should continue it and any other feedback. I'm really sorry about not having a chapter for this story. I promise to have it up soon. If you have ideas about anything you want to see in a chapter then just tell me I would love to write it for you. I also, because oft long absence, was wondering if anyone would like to co-own this story with me. DM me if you do and any ideas you have for the story. Thank you all again so much and I'm sorry for the different story. I love you guys so much! ~Jem///


Two days later everyone was sitting down watching tv- well New York and Massachusetts where fighting (nothing new there)- when the doorbell rang. When no one got up and New York and Massachusetts where still fighting Delaware sighed and got up to get the door. When he did he was met by one of his many uncles.
"Hay uncle Mattie!" He says and lets him in.
"Uncle Mattie's here!" New York says after punching Massachusetts in the face.
"Hay Jamie." Canada says in his low voice.
"Am I the first one here?" he asks.
New York nods and goes in to hug her uncle. He returns the hug and puts his bag down looking at the rest of the states and smiles. They smile back and one by one they all hug him. Connecticut grabs his bag and brings it upstairs since that's where Canada would be staying.
When north and South Carolina went in for a group hug between the three of them Canada laughs and says
"I can hardly tell you two apart." The Carolinas laugh as Connecticut comes down.
"Where's America?" Canada asks.
"Right here bro!" America yells walking into the living room.
"So glad your here!"
"Your almost as loud as mass." New York says making New Hampshire and New Jersey (the new trio) laugh quietly.
"What was that?!?" Massachusetts yells.
"I said your a loud mouth!" New York yells.
Massachusetts jumps on New York causing another fight between them.
"I see there still up to fighting each other all the time." Canada says looking slightly concerned. The rest just nod and watch the two fist before the doorbell rings again. America goes to get it and the rest of the allies are standing out there.
"Hays guys!" America yells.
England was about to say something when yelling interrupts him.
"And what the hell is wrong with being a girl you asshole. I have more balls then you do anyway!!" New York yells punching and kicking at Massachusetts.
"Bullshit!" Massachusetts yells.
"Oh how unlady like." England yells. France winces when they continue to hit each other.
"Are they always like this,aru?" China asks.
"No... Well sometimes. Ya." Georgia says from the couch.
"You've met them though haven't you?" North Carolina says
"Ya haven't you?" South Carolina adds.
"Well yes but not when they are together, aru." China says.
"Ohh." The Carolinas said.
"Ok guys stop fighting. Please." America says.
Connecticut and Rhode Island went over to Massachusetts while New Jersey and New Hampshire when to New York and held the two back. Massachusetts had a bloody nose and a big bruise on his jaw. New York had a black eye and bruise on her left cheek. Both sported cuts, scratches and more bruises all over there body. Some new and some old. New York and Massachusetts glared at each other before claiming down and greeting there guests.
"Hay uncle iggy."
"Hi uncle Francis."
New York and Massachusetts both say out of breath.
Francis hands Massachusetts a tissue which he gladly takes and holds it up to his nose while England shakes his head but smiles a little non the less.
"So America, who else is coming again?" England says.
"Hmm, oh! Um well the Axis, Nordics, and China you said Hong Kong was coming right? And I think Spain Romano Australia and Prussia are also coming." America says.
"Uncle Aussie is coming!" Georgia says and America nods.
"Well at least this is a big house, da!" Says Russia.
"Da, there are a lot of rooms and we have a huge back yard!" New York says in Russian.
All the allies look at her in shock but Russia just keeps on the conversation but in Russian now.
"Really what's back there?"
"Well we have a gym, shooting range, pool, outdoor kitchen, tennis court, a
Basketball hoop, and a track that runs around the tennis area."
"That's a lot, da!" Russia says with a smile.
"Da, perks of living out here in the middle of no where." New York says smiling back.
The two carry on with a conversation no one understands due to no one knowing Russia.
"How does she know Russian aru?"
"Well during the 1910s a lot of immigrants where coming mainly from Russia, Poland, and southern Italy. At the time she was also working at the triangle shirtwaist factory and wanted to know what all the girls where saying so she learned Russian, Polish, and Italian. Though I think she also knows German from World War Two. And also Dutch, French, Spanish and Chinese." New Jersey says.
"Oh and Native American languages!" New Hampshire says.
"But we all know Native American languages."
The allies look back at New York. She looks over to them and says
"Nothing." France says but in French to see if they were correct.
New York looks at France skeptically.
"People don't looks at people like that if it were nothing uncle Francis." New York responds in French.
France smiles at her.
"Your brothers just told us that you speak many languages, aru." China says in- you guessed it-Chinese.
"Oh. Ya it's because my state is a main import for immigrants to come to America and I use to work on the ports way back when kids worked." New York says back. China was about to say something when someone nocked on the door. America opens the door.
"Hay bro! Glad you could make it!" He says.
"Eh mate! How are the states doing!" Australia says coming in.
"Hay uncle Aussie!" Georgia says first and goes up to his uncle to give him a hug. Then the rest go and hug him.
"Why did I not get any hugs? I'm an uncle to right?"France says.
New York smiles and shakes her head but hugs him anyway because she was the only one who heard him seeing as everyone was talking with someone. When they part France looks at New York and smiles slightly.
"Oh I remember when you where so little and I could carry you around like it was nothing." France says fondly. New York giggles.
England butts in and says
"Definitely couldn't pick her up now. Even with her being fit your to weak." Trying to not also be rude to New York.
"Oh Ya! Well I bet you couldn't pick her up either. You could hardly hold her when she was small!" France yells.
"And I can to pick her up! New York come here and let me show this black sheep how strong I am." France says crouching down to give New York a piggy back ride. New York laughs before getting on his back and he stands up with ease.
"Haha see black sheep! I can pick up Jamie! Anyone can, she's as light as a feather." France says.
He starts to prance around with New York on his back to show off in front of England and everyone laughs. While France walks into the kitchen because New York wants a bottle of water the doorbell rings and Prussia storms in.
"Ze awesome me iz here!" He yells.
"Prussia! Dude hay! Is everyone else here?"
"Ya! And we brought Spain! Zhere outzide getting ze bagz!" Prussia says.
"Awesome. Well then all were waiting for is the Nordics and Hong Kong right?"
"France iz here?" Spain says walking in with his bag. Germany walks in behind him holding his, Italy's and Prussias bags. Italy and Romano then walk in.
"Right 'ere!" France says walking out of the kitchen with New York still on his back but now she was holding a bottle of water.
"Hay uncle Gil!" She says as France walks over to him and Spain.
"Hello Frau!" Prussia says and ruffles her hair.
"Hola chica!" Spain says as she fixes her hair.
"Hay." She says when she got her hair back in place.
"Um, Francis. Why is she on your back?" Spain asks.
"The black sheep of Europe didn't zhink I could carry her. Now I'm just rubbing it in 'is face."he says. While he was saying this New York nodded her head. The two just stare at him with questioning looks.
"So how are you two. You haven't been over lately uncle Gil." New York says.
"Well Frau main brudder haz been making me stay in Germany." He says. New York nods.
"Hay Frau who else is around your size here?" Prussia says.
"Um, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Why?"
"Want to have a race guys?" Prussia asks.
France and Spain smile and nod while New York looked at them confused.
"New York is there a track near here?" Spain asks.
"Ya in the back yard. What are you guys thinking?"
"We are just going to have a little race." France says.
"So why do you need me, Connecticut and Rhode Island?"
"Cuz your going to be on our backs, now get your brothers for us." Prussia says.
New York hops off of France and goes to her brothers finding them talking to each other on the couch.
"Hay guys can you come with me uncle Francis uncle Gil and Spain."
She says.
"Connecticut looks at her with a questioning looks and Rhode Island says "why?"
"There going this race and we have to be on there back." New York says.
They look at her weird but get up anyway.
The three walk over to the BTT and they smile.
"Got them. Now what."
"To the track!" Prussia yells and runs to the back yard.
"Ahh!" He yells and the other 5 run over to him to see what was wrong. When they get there they all laugh. Over on the deck was Prussia on the ground with a golden retriever and brown lab on top of him licking his face. In there tags you could read that the golden retrievers names was 'lady liberty' and the boys was 'Rushmore'.
New York goes to lady liberty and says
"Come here Libby!" The retrievers head shots up at her name and you see she has bright blue eyes. She runs over to New York and jumps on her. New York staggers but stays up. She ruffles her fur and laughs. While she did this Rhode Island yells "Rushmore come here boy!" And the lab goes to him and Rhode Island does the same to him as New York does to Libby. The two walk to the tennis court holding there collars and puts them in the tennis court and closes the gate and latches it. All the while France and Spain laugh at Prussia while Connecticut helps him up, laughing as well.
"I forgot you had dogs. Germany will be excited." Prussia says brushing himself off.
"Don't forget New York's cat whiskey and North Carolina and south Carolinas cats moonshine and scotch."
"Why are they all alcohol names?" Spain asks.
The states shrug not sure themselves.
When New York and Rhode Island come back Prussia says the rules which consist of tripping dropping the states need to do a whole lap
When Spain and France nod Prussia says
"Now which states want to go with the awesome me!"
"I'll go!" Rhode Island says.
"Awesome!" Prussia says and squads downs and Rhode Island climbs on.
"Well mon petite lapin, would you like to be with me?" France asks New York.
"Sure she says as France squats down and she get back on his back.
"I hope you want to be with me chico." Spain says and gets down.
"It's cool, you seem like the most sane out of all of them." Connecticut says and climbs on. Spain stands up and joins the others at the track. They line up and New York yells
"Ready! Set! Go!" And the three "men" run. The states bounce around on there back and laugh in the nations ears. Finally they where coming to the end and Prussia was wining when all of a sudden France and Spain sprint. This causes Prussia to sprint as well. Which also causes him to trip, making France and Spain trip as well. After all six of them tumbling they finally stop and look up. There was Prussia's hand just passing the finish line. He laughs and high fives Connecticut. They all get up but Rhode Island falls back down and grabs his ankle in pain.
"Hay what's wrong?" New York says turning serious.
"My ankle really hurts, I can't stand on it." He says.
"Here let me see." New York says reaching for Rhode Island's ankles. He lets her see it. As she inspects it she bites her lip and turns to her other brother.
"Go get dad." She says and helps Rhode Island up, supporting him as he limps forward Connecticut running in front of them for there dad.
"Look I'm sorry." Prussia says.
"It's cool dude this isn't the first time my ankles been like this."
"Your lucky Jacob, you almost cut a ligament. I'm pretty sure you broke your ankle. It wouldn't be bent like that." New York says right when America comes running out with a worried expression on him face.
"Hay what happened?" He says worriedly to his kids.
"He may have broken his ankle. Should we go to the hospital to get him a cast?" New York asks. America takes a deep breath before nodding and lifting up Rhode Island in his arms and carrying him to the car.
"Can I come." New York says.
"Ya, but no one else. We won't have room in the car." America says. New York nods and grabs the car keys and runs to the garage to get the car and brings it to the front.
America helps Rhode Island in and goes to the drivers seat as New York goes for the passages seat. As they drive off all the nations and states look towards the BTT, who look back with guilty looks.
"Sorry." They all say.
"It's ok. He's broken his ankle worse then that. It's not that uncommon for one of use to be injured at some point. He'll be fine in a week." Delaware says. All of the states nod and the country's look at the door.
-time skip-
Everyone was doing something on there own now.
The BTT, still upset about Rhode Island where in there shared room unpacking.
Germany was running laps outside and Italy was watching him, petting New York's gray cat whiskey.
Japan was reading a manga in the living room while England did some needle point. Romano was in the kitchen looking for something to eat and the Carolinas were in there as well feeding there cats moonshine and scotch. Russia and China were in there room sleeping, still not use to the time difference. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and New Hampshire were on the phone with New York, wondering how Rhode Island was doing. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania where walking the dogs. Australia, Canada and Georgia were on the deck talking and catching up. Back in the kitchen Romano was standing thinking about the girl he saw.
'Why is that bella so familiar looking?' It was driving him crazy.
"Hay ragazzos! Who is that girl that was in here?" Romano asked the Carolina brothers.
"Hmm? Oh! You mean New York?" They say.
"Ya, about her. Do you know if she was ever involved in mafia work? Around the prohibition here?" He asks.
"Can't say for sure." North Carolina says. "She talked about it a little with us but the whole thing is confidential for her and she couldn't talk much about it." South Carolina says.
"Though is was around the prohibition era!" The two say.
Just when he was about to answer the garage door was heard and America, New York and Rhode Island came in. Rhode Island has a brace on his ankle but other then that they were all smiling. The BTT ran up to Rhode Island and started to apologize over and over again. Rhode Island laughed and the three stopped.
"It's co dudes! Happens all the time!" He says. The BTT sigh in relief. Soon everyone got back to what they were doing earlier after seeing how Rhode Island was doing. While New York was on her phone Romano walked in not noticing her and started talking with his brother. New York's head shot up at the familiar voice. Her eyes widened when she saw Romano. She got up and went over the the Italy twins and said,
"Lovino? Is that you?" She says.
Romano turns around and looks at New York with wide eyes.
"Jamie?" New York smiles and hugs Romano.
"Oh mio dio! I didn't know you were a personification! I would have told you I was New York. Oh how have you been! Still in the mafia?" She says.
Romano hugs back and starts to talk with New York.
"I'm fine. And I still have connections with them? What about you how have you been? Do you still keep up with your own group?" He asks. At this point the two speak fast Italian that even Feli had trouble keeping up. His eyes going back and forth between his brother and 14 year old personification. Spain walks over to bug Romano but stops when he sees him talking with New York in Italian.
"Do they know each other?" He asks Feli. Feli smiles and jumps up and down.
"Oh mio fratello has a friend! And a cute little Bella ragazza at that!" He says and hugs the two. New York laughs and hugs Feli while Romano tries to get out of his brothers grip.
"Oh me and lovino know each other from when the two of us were in the mafia way back in the 20's. We meet when we did a liquor trade." New York says with a smile. Romano smirks and puts his arm on new York's shoulder.
"Damn right. I thought my men were shiting me when they said a mafia leader was only 14 so I had to see for myself." He says.
New York laughs and jabs Romano's sides causing him to jump and squeak (in a totally manly way). The three laugh while Romano mumbles something incoherent.
-time skip-
"DINNER GUYS!" Al yells and all of the states run to the dining room knowing if they didn't get there quick all the food would be gone. Today was pizza. 5 pizza boxes. Were lined along the long dining table. All the states were in there seats each having at least two slices (New York having half a pie. It was New York style what do you expect.) all the states were talking and eating while the nations slowly walked in to find all the pizza gone. By now the Nordics and Hong Kong were there and everyone was unpacked in there rooms.
"Haha don't worry dudes we have our own pizza!" America says and shows them to a long table outside on the deck. There were 5 more boxes lined along it and all the nations sat down and took only one slice each. Well America took three. He countered England's stare by saying New York had half a pie.
"How does such a little girl eat so much?" Finland says.
America was about to answer but a scream stopped him.
America sighs and gets up to settle his kids. All the nations looks at each other before getting up to see how bad it was. What the saw shocked them. At least the one who haven't seen them fight before were shocked.
There was New York and Massachusetts in the table wrestling and America was trying to get them to calm down.
They soon calmed down when they noticed all the nations looking at them. Massachusetts flipped his hair and new yoke blew it out of her face.
"Sorry." They say meekly before getting off the table and fixing each other up.
After all that was settled and dinner was over everyone went to bed.
"Night everyone!" America yells.
"Night dad!" The states yell and all shut there doors. The nations look at each other and sigh.
'This is going to be a long trip.' They think.

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