Chapter eightteen

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///hay guys to this chapter is basically going to be a chapter about your birthday. I going to try and make it seem as neutral as possible but I'm sorry if I didn't. There will be some red velvet pancake, veggies burger and 2p fruk. I'm really sorry it's been so long I've just been so busy. I hope you like this! I love you guys so much! ~Jem///

//3rd person POV//

It has been about one year since your last birthday and about two months ago you told your dad about it.
~flashback! Yay!~
"Oh poppet I still don't know your birthday! Would you mind telling me?" Your dad asked as he made breakfast.
"I think it was (birthday)." You said.
You father nods while looking at the Calendar seeing it was about two months from that day.
The next month he started to plan for your surprise birthday.
~flashback over~
You woke up like any other day and got dressed in a (F/C) dress with white lace trimmed socks and black shoes. You took you hair brush from your dresser and walked downstairs so you dad could brush your hair like every day.
"Daddy can you brush my hair?" You asked him when you say he was eating breakfast.
He looked at you with a tired smile and said,
"Oh course poppet go get your book and then come sit on my lap ok!" He said. You happily nod giving him your brush and going to get your little book.
Oliver quickly yawned. He had been up late last night outing the finishing touches on the details of your party. Not to mention he was terrified you wouldn't like something. He heard your quick little footsteps behind him and he quickly smiled and turned around picking you up and placing you in his lap.
"What would you like today cupcake?" He asked as you opened your book.
"Can you braid it?" You asked.
"Oh course!" He said picking up the brush and started to brush your hair and braid it.
"Thank you daddy!" You say as he finished.
You turned around and hugged him.
He laughed and said
"Ok sweetie go pack your bag now ok you don't want to be late to luci's."
You nod your head with a smile and run up to your room to pack your toys.
Earlier that week your dad had told you you were going to be spending the afternoon with the axis. Unknown to you your dad just needed you to leave the house while him and the rest of your family decorated the house for your birthday. Your dad had planned an Alice in wonderland like theme for your party. Ever since you saw the movie you had loved everything about it. (Sorry if you don't like Alice in wonderland) Your favorite character was the mad hatter so it was there was going to be a big long table in the back yard filled with tea, cookies, cupcakes and anything you would find at a tea party. Along with the table the lawn and trees were decorated with AIW themed things. Cards with armor, a mannequin with the dress of the queen of hearts dress, a fake white rabbit with a small tux, a fake Cheshire Cat in the tree in your back yard, signs from the movie and he even got you a dress that looked just like Alice's. Your dad tried to make it as best as possible knowing it was most likely your first party.
You ran back downstairs with a small bag full of toys.
"Come here poppet so I can put a cupcake in your bag." Oliver said.
You walk over to him with a smile. He turns you around and opens your backpack and places a pink frosted cupcakes in your backpack. (It's in Tupperware)
"Okay sweetie lets go. They must be waiting." Oliver says.
You nod and the two of you want to his car an drive to the axis house.
~Time skip~
"Ok have fun (Y/N). Don't cause any trouble. I love you and they will be bringing you home at 5 ok?" Oliver says handing you over to Flávio.
"Ok daddy! Bye bye!" You say waving your tiny hand at him as he gets in the car and drives off.
"You ready to play ragazza?" Flávio says.
You nod and the two of you walk into the house.
~Back at your house~
"Ok boys we have ruffly 4 hours until (Y/N) comes back and we have to decorate this whole backyard and cook and bake everything in that time so I'm going to need the three of you. Francis i want you to take all of the decorations from my room out here. Al, Matt could you call Matthew and Alfred and tell me when there coming because they need to be here before her. Oh-also ask if they could help with decorations if they could. We need all the help we could get." Oliver said looking at the three men standing in front of him.
All of them nod and get to work on what they were told.
"Ok good. I'm going to be inside baking the cake ins other things. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen. When Francis get back down with everything I want the three of you at work." Oliver says walking back inside.
Al and Matt nod there eyes on there phones as they text there boyfriend and "friend".
Let's just say that Al and Alfred have been spending some time together.
"Matt says he'll be right over."
"Same with Alfred."
The two nod at each other brides Francis comes down with two big boxes of decorations.
"Well let's get started!" Al said. Opening the top box.
Francis and math look at each other brides going into the box as well.
~Small time skip~
A car pulling into the drive way and Alfred and Matthew hop out of the car, Alfred holding a present for (Y/N).
The two nock on the door and Oliver runs to the door and opens it with a smile.
"Oh good your here! Please come in! Just bring the present outside, that's were everyone is!" Oliver said.
The two nod with smiles before going outside.
"Hay guys guess who's here!"Alfred yells.
Francis rolls his eyes as he reaches inside the decoration box.
Matt and Al walk over to them.
Matt hugs Matthew and kisses his forehead while Al and Alfred pretend to gag before laughing.
"Come on pork chop I need help with the table in the garage." Al said walking over to the gate and opening it to let the two out.
Alfred pout at the nickname but soon smiles and jogs over to him and the two leave to get the table.
Little did they know that Matt and Matthew followed them.
Out in the front yard the two shoved each other playfully and laughing.
The two matts look at each other quizzingly before following them to the garage where a long wooden table was.
Al and Alfred were in either side of the table (like as if thy were sitting on opposite sides not the long ways of the table) leaning over to each other with smiles before they leaned closer together and gave each other sweet heartfelt kiss. (yes we are talking about Al)
Matt and Matthews mouths dropped open and they rushed back to the back yard accidentally running into Francis.
"What zhe hell?" He said shoving them off.
"We saw them kissing!" Matthew said.
"So?" Francis said.
"So? So! Al never told us!" Matt said.
"Al never you what?" Al said from behind.
All three turn around to find the two Americans carrying the table.
Al rolls his eyes thinking nothing if it while Alfred gives a questioning look as the two. Ring the table to the middle of the yard.
The three look at them as that acted like that never locked lips.
"What didn't you tell them man?" Alfred said setting the plates and napkins on the table.
"No clue." Al said doing the same with the silverware.
The duo look back at the other three to find them looking at them. They all look away quickly, Matthew having a small blush from being caught.
Al and Alfred look at each other quizzingly before going back to work decorating the yard.
Oliver was back inside baking as quickly as he could. He had just pulled out your cake and it was now cooling has he make the icing and cookie batter. (Cake in photo)
He breathed in and out before getting back to work on the many pastries he had to make and decorate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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