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Minho didn't know what to do. Jisung was more stressed than ever before. He couldn't blame him of course, but he'd rather see Jisung smile.

"I need to get out." Jisung whispered to himself while biting his fingernails to get rid of stress.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"I need to get out." He said now loud, clear and so serious it kind of scared Minho. "Can you get me out without my parents noticing?"

"I think I might."

That immediately got the younger's attention. He said down next to Minho hoping for the best plan in the world.

"the best option for us to go would be in the night, so that no one hears us. But the streets are dangerous at night. So I think it'd be best if we were to wait until the fewest amount of people are in the house and then go out the window."

Jisung nodded along getting excited by Minho's master plan. "I think my mom and dad will both be out tomorrow and I can ask the maids to go buy something so that they're gone too."

"Sounds great. But maybe we should go to sleep now and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes."


They both got in bed and got under the sheets. Minho pecked Jisung on the forehead right before closing his eyes. "Goodnight Sung."

"Night Minnie."


The next day was exciting for Jisung. He was finally going to experience the outside world after all those years. And he was with the person he loved the most.

He had sent all the maids on some sort of mission and made sure both his mom and dad weren't there. Minho has gotten his dad's car and parked it by the 'escape window'.

They had money and some spare clothes ready. It was time to go.

Jisung opened the window and carefully got out. He was feeling a mixture of happiness and excitement when his feet first touched the city streets. Minho got out too and got in the car.

"C'mon Jisung, Get in before anyone sees you."

Jisung got in the car too. He was scanning the whole vehicle. After all, he had never been in a car before.

"So, where do you wanna go?"


Minho chuckled. Jisung looked like a kid who's in their 'I want to travel the world' phase. It was the cutest.

"And where would you like to start?"

"The city."

"The city it is." Minho's said as he
started the car.

It took a while to drive there. Jisung's parents had chosen to live away from the city so that their child could live in peace.

About ten minutes later they got to the city. Minho pulled out his phone and rang a number.

"Who are you calling?" Jisung asked curiously.

"Wait a sec. I'm on a call.... Hi bitch. I've got the thing. Bring everyone."
He said making Jisung even more perplexed.

"Who was that? What's the thing?"

"Just you wait darling. Answer will come."

And answers came soon, not even six minutes later seven other boys joined the pair. It was their friends.

Everyone said it was good to see Jisung again and that they were really excited to hang out with him in the city.

"So Jisung, what do you want to do?" Woojin asked.

"I don't really know what you do in the city." Jisung admitted.

"Everything you saw on tv with me."
Minho said. Making Jisung's face go :0

"I wanna eat a lot! And go to and arcade! And karaoke and go to a park and a museum! And there's so much more!" He said suddenly really excitedly.

"We'll do all of that baby." Minho said chuckling at Jisung's behaviour.

"I KNEW IT! YOU OWE ME 20BUCKS BINNIE!" Felix suddenly yelled.

"You're right." Changbin answered.

"Excuse me. Why the fuck?" Minho said asking for answers.

"I bet Changbin twenty bucks that you two were a thing." Felix explained.

"We never said we're a thing."

"You called him baby. Unless he's an actual baby that's an official declaration of two dudes going out."

"Oh... Yeah. We weren't really sure if we'd tell you."


"Oh shut up Felix. Let's go to the arcade. It's the closest from here."

So they took the bus to go to the arcade. And when they got there Jisung went wild. He wanted to play every single game. And he did.

Minho watched the boy play all of those games and sometimes played with him. They both felt like they were having the time of their lives.

After winning a bunch of prizes and letting the children in themselves out the boys went to a karaoke bar.

Duets, solos and dramatic group versions were sung. From the most iconic songs to the best underrated artists.

Minho was having the best time with his friends. But he only had eyes for his boyfriend. He wanted to make sure Jisung felt free to do anything he desired without a worry or anyone trying to hold him back.

Which is exactly why he was keeping the fact that Jisung's mom was blowing up his phone. She must've noticed Jisung not being there when she got back from work.

Minho just ignored her for the rest of the night and focused on having fun. At the end of their amazing concert everyone bid their goodbyes and they split up.

Minho took Jisung to his house and introduced him to his dad as Felix. So that he can't snitch on them to Jisung's mom.

"Hyung, thanks for today. It was really the best." Jisung said.

"Tomorrow will be even better. I'm going to take you to a park, then we go to a museum. And then we could go eat something and then shopping."

"Sounds perfect."

"Come ere." Minho said, making Jisung come closer to him.

He grabbed the younger's face and kissed him very softly but passionately.

Then Jisung knew.

He didn't belong in his big old mansion. He belonged anywhere he was with Minho.

Heyy I'm on vacation so like I don't have a lotta WiFi

I'm thinking about reuploading monsters don't cry, my Changlix story. Would you like to read it?
Bc if not I won't publish it

I lob yu <3

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