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Chan called mrs.Han again, he didn't want to bother her but he felt like he had to.


"Sorry to bother you again ma'am. But could you please just notify Jisung of what happened?"

"All right. But he really can't come."


Chan hung up the phone and put it down next to him. He was in the waiting room while Minho was being examined. His dad arrived too, along with Hyunjin and Felix.

"Mr.Lee? Could I speak to you?"
A nurse said as she approached Minho's dad. He followed her to a more private space.

After about five minutes he came back with an unreadable expression. He sat down at the small table the others were all sitting at.

"How's he doing?" Hyunjin asked.

"He'll be alright. Luckily the driver wasn't driving too fast. He broke his right arm, twisted his collarbone and got some bruises."

He looked down. Felix stood up and tried to keep everyone in a good mood.

"I'll get you all some coffee."

"Thanks Lix."


Jisung was painting a Chinese koi on the garden wall. His mom walked outside with a concerned look. She crouched down next to Jisung.

"Hey mom!"

"Hi sweetie, that's really pretty."

"Thanks. Weren't you working?"

"Yes but someone really needs to talk to you now."

She handed him her phone after ringing a number. She stood up and left as Jisung put the phone to his ear.


"Hey Jisung."

"Chan? Why are you calling me?"

"Your mom didn't tell you?... Minho got in a car accident."

Jisung felt his heart beating faster out of fear.

"W-What happened?"

"His dad thinks he was on his way to your house. He got ran over by a car."

"I-is he okay?"

"He broke an arm, twisted his collarbone and got several bruises. He's lucky."

"If He were lucky, he wouldn't be in the hospital right now." Jisung sniffed. Even though Minho was fine, Jisung cried. Because he felt guilty about the accident. And of course he missed the older, and now he's hospitalised.

Jisung had no idea when he'd see Minho again.

Short chapter! You might think the end is coming, but I wanna do much more with this book. For you who question the collarbone thing, it's possible and really painful. I have the ExpERieNCe.

Thanks so much for 100 reads ☺️

Song recommendation:

Jun.k - think about you

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