|Twenty seven|

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We head down the stairs to the correct floor. I smile as I stare at everything. Even in my former pack house, it was not this perfect.

My eyes widen at how beautiful this place looks. On each and every hall way there are paintu g of the past Alpha King arranged in order. I walk running my hand through each one of them until I find Damon's painting.

Whoever painted it captured his looks accurately. He really looks good in it. I sigh as I subconsciously run my hand through the painting.

I look up and stare at the beautiful chandelier hanging on the ceiling. It's amazing! In all my life I've never seen anything so perfect.

I have been staring in awe for i don't know how long that I did not realize we had gotten to the fifth floor which was entirely fixed up for him.

Damon opens the door for me and my eyes immediately widen and my jaw drops. If I thought before this place looked beautiful, then definitely this is the epitome of beauty.

The place is mesmirizing, everything is so perfect,creamed walls and a chandelier hanging on the ceiling making it look so amazing.

He leads me further from the living room to a doubled door room and opens the door for me once again. My eyes widen as I get in. A large king sized bed places on the center of the room. Two night stands on each side of the bed and beautiful couch settled on the side of the bed.

I walk towards the window and I immediately gasp at the beautiful view. Tall trees covering the enormous forest. Just below hundreds of houses that I think belongs to the pack members, further away from the trees, one could watch as the sun set creating a beautiful view.

My eyes remained wide as I try to absorb how beautiful this place is. My staring is catch short when a deep chuckle resonate through the room.

I head snaps to Damon who had an amused look on his face causing me to turn a bright red as I shut my mouth that had been wide open all along.

"This is my room,but if you want to stay somewhere else,I understand." He says with a sad smile making me immediately note something.

Natalie stayed here.

I would really like to erase every memory of her but no mater what I do, she'll be forever stuck in my brain and there's no need to move. She's gone and I really hope for good.

"I'll stay in your room, Damon it's okay." I reply with a small smile. He stares at me for a while before smiling widely.

"Okay, here is that our closet. I left half of it for you,after I found out that Natalie wasn't my mate. I ordered everything to be changed and her clothes to be taken out." He says looking at the particular door. I somehow know he still feels guilty even though none of it was his fault.

"It's not your fault Damon, please just let it go she hurt both of us,and we need to forget it and move on." I speak up holding his hand in mine.

"Yeah I guess you are right Christel. I won't let anything happen to you anymore,I'm here for you now. " He replies eyes trained on me and my wolf purrs in content.

He leads me to the door and opens it for me. My eyes widen. It's so huge, I can fix an entire room in here. There are a bunch of his suits ,sweatpants shirts boxers and a bunch of other clothes. His room keeps surprising me.

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously,this isn't something to be nervous about.

"No Damon,I don't like it." I answer giving him a blank look and immediately his dyes widen. I bite my lip to prevent myself from bursting into fits of laughter.

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