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I peel my eyes open being immediately temporarily blinded by the strong sun rays. I place my hand over my eyes rubbing them softly before getting up.

I gasp as pain shoots throughout my body making me groan. I rub my chest feeling an uncomfortable feeling on it. I immediately retract my hand as I feel a bump on it.

I immediately touch it and all the memories comes back making me clutch my head in pain.

I was shot and I still managed to survive? How? Its unheard of.

I trace the bullet hole realizing how close it is to my heart causing my breath to hitch. Definitely impossible.

I really wanted to die but by whatever force it is, here I am still alive and struggling with my horrible life.

I struggle to stand up and after a few attempts I manage to do it. I take a few steps being cautious not to cause myself more injuries.

I can't believe I actually survived that. I also need to inform mom what Natalie was planning, even though she hates me I don't think she can actually plot to kill me

I walk aimlessly trying to find the right way home which is futike since I have no idea where I am. Tears starts to drop on their own accord. What did I ever do to deserve such a cruel fate.

I may not have been the best daughter but I actually tried to be kind to people, eventhough most people still found me disgusting I still managed to pretend that everything was okay.

Now I don't even know, I'm broken. It only takes a certain amount of time for someone to totally break but how I've been hated all my life makes me wonder if ever there would be a time when I will actually be happy and this will be just a bad dream. I don't think that is even possible but a girl can dream.

I keep walking aimlessly because the woods is super dark and the trees are so close you hardly see anything, I take steps as I trip on sticks and fallen branches.

I continue to walk and suddenly I'm somewhere familiar, somewhere near where we watched the fireflies, this bring tears to my eyes as I recall how she tricked me, being too good to people really made me vulnerable. I'm no saint but I always considered others before me.

I know that the border isn't far away, I hurry in case their some rogues who may attack me. I finally reach the border, suddenly the border patrol appear out of nowhere.

"State your business here rogue." growls one of the pack patrols who I immediately recognize as Justin, one of the only people I could talk freely to.

"What's up Justin? What did I miss?" I ask trying not to wince as I stepped on a stone.

"Christel? What happened to you? Why did you suddenly disappear? We thought you told rogues about our pack. " he says his eyes wide. What?! My mouth opens up a couple of times as I try to grasp what he just said.

Is that even possible. I've lived in this pack forever and furthermore, how can I have any connections with rogues?

"What!? Why would I do that?" I ask my eyes wide and my jaw slack at the sudden accusation.

"I was kidnapped by Jared, he tortured me and he almost raped me!" I scream the last part and his eyes soften for a second before he goes rigid again and glares at me.

"I'm sorry for that Christel,but right now your a threat, you're a rogue and the alpha ordered for you to be taken to him incase you showed up." He mutters barely looking at me before holding my forearm in a tight grasp before dragging me, in the process clutching one of my wounds making me whimper and hiss in pain which he pays no mind to.

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