|Twenty three|

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This chapter is dedicated to my two friends Sidney and Valerie,who loves Wattpad as much as I do.


My side hurts and I have a killer headache. What happened? I peel my eyes open and I see I'm in unfamiliar place. I look around and the walls are a bright white.

I close my eyes again wondering what happened. Immediately the memories of yesterday floods to my head and I gasp as my heart beats wildly in my chest causing something to beep in sync with the erratic beating of my heart. I turn slightly and notice a heart monitor and an IV attached to my arm.

I pull up the oversized shirt I'm currently wearing to inspect my wound, only it's neatly wrapped in a white bandage. I sigh and rest my head on the bed only to be interrupted by the sudden slamming open of the door

A guy wearing a white coat gets in speed walking towards me before calming down seeing I was awake.

"I see you're finally awake." He states as he unhooks the IV. I sit up straight as I stare at him suspiciously.

"Who are you?" I inquire trying to sound intimidating only it comes out as a whisper since my throat is so dry.

He hands me a glass of water and I immediately chug it down not really thinking about it.

"I'm Jonathan Banks the pa- the doctor." He speaks and I realise he corrected his mistake.

That's when I remember the portion it must have still hidden my scent.

He thinks I'm human. Thank goddess, I'll still get out of here and head to the pack I'm heading to, wherever that is.

"Thanks Jonathan for your help,but I'll be on my way." I state as I struggle to get out of the bed.

"You should stay,it's dark out,and where you heading to anyway?" He asks and I head to a nearby window. I peep out and surely it's really dark.

"How long was I out." I ask ignoring his question.

"About five hours." He replies and I stare wide eyed at him.

"I should be leaving soon. " I state as I head to my duffle bag.

"No! I said stay till morning!" He snaps losing his cool.

I flinch at the tone that brings back unwanted memories of being tortured and starved, being injected with wolf's bane. Whobyells at their patients anyway? Tears form in my eyes but I blink them away rapidly.

The doctor stares at me trying to figure out something. He takes steps closer to me as I take several back until my back hits the wall. He continues to come closer.

"J-j-just s-stay a-away f-from m-me." I stutter pathetically. The doctor halts and takes steps back,until he's about to go out.

"Sorry for snapping at you. It's been a long night,but just stay until tomorrow morning. You have no idea the danger out there." He mutters softly.

Not able to use my voice I nod lamely. I head towards the bed feeling weak and memories of the past keeps coming to my head. Silent tears start to fall from my cheeks.

'Don't worry Christel, we'll be okay.' snow whimpers slightly too.

'I know Snow, but it's so hard.' I reply tears flowing down my cheeks.

'I know Istel ,I know.' she says sadly. I continue to cry and I don't know when I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and I immediately glance everywhere. I sit up with a jolt and I immediately realize where I am.

I sit up straight and stare at the bright sunlight that seeps through the window.

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