|Twenty one|

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I have been staying in this motel for two days. I decided to extend my stay slightly since I had been so tired the previous day, that I didn't get up. It's time for me to go to the nameless pack.

I take my potion once again hoping that it actually masks my scent so I can avoid attacks from pack wolves or even rogues. After all it's very rare to find a lone she wolf.

I pack everything into my duffle bag and check out of the motel, starting my journey to the pack.

The thought of joining another pack doesn't sound good for me. What if they try and attack me again? Or what if they try and do something worse this time. Something I don't think I could recover from? Just the thoughts of any wolf finding out I'm a rogue scares me so freaking much.

The memories of how I was tortured keeps flashing through my mind and just the thought of it makes me rethink my decision to go to another pack.

'Snow do you think we should go to another pack?' I inquire from my wolf hoping she sides with me so we can join a human town and actually stay there for good.

'I'm sorry christel, we need to know how long will that portion last? We are rogues Christel and Jared may catch up to us and realize we didn't die.' she replies and even though I really don't want to agree with her, I know it's the right thing to do. I sigh walking deeper into the forest.

'What if they attack us Snow?' I croak as my body recalls every torture, every pain I went through.

'Hey don't worry Christel besides we are the white wolf and also we've got the elements,we can control all the elements.' She sooths proudly which makes me smile. I guess she is right.

I walk deeper hoping the pack isn't far and I don't cross paths with any pack wolves. Using a forest path makes it even more confusing since I lack all sense of direction which would make it easier for me to get into a foreign pack and get killed or captured, again.

I just want to reach my destination safely without encountering any wolf or rogue which seems harder than it looks. To make matters worse. In the time I've lived in a pack, they are territorial making it harder for me.

Why even would they accept me in their pack? What if I told them what happened? I mean Jared is a ruthless killer who is known by all alphas and supernatural creatures but am I really ready to share that sad part of my life with people I really have no idea who they are, who may turn on me like my former pack?

What if they torture me or do something worse than what Jared did? He made me so scared that I was even afraid of my own shadow.

I shake my head trying to make myself not go there. It only brings me heart ache and pain.

Sometimes I hope that I'd wake up and realize all this was nothing but a dream and I'd see my sister smiling, supporting and loving me, only reality hits me hard and make me realize, that the people we trust most are the ones who shatters us the most.

I trusted her with everything, I loved her but right now I realize for me to actually accept everything is for me to accept she betrayed me and made a fool out of me, breaking my trust.


I have been walking for hours, talking with my wolf. It seems weird for someone without a wolf but having her is among the reasons I'm still holding on.

She is the best and I would never want it any other way. It's already starting to get dark, and I mean really dark. How far is this pack anyway?

I face palm. How am I supposed to know the pack! How will I know that I've gotten to the right pack? Why didn't I think this before. I can't believe I'm lost.

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