life update and book recommendation for all!!!

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Life update 1: about me
So for the past year I was going to a dance studio and doing tap, ballet, and jazz then the next thing I know
The owner fucking closes the place.
Now I haft to find another place to get dance lessons BUT!!!
Today I went to a strange place a
Cause my grandma got to get me and my stupider then hell and is a little shit and a brat to get a free class to see what is going on with it and so we learned some things I also saw a kid that is now in 9th grade I believe there and he was my partner for the first part and I'm just over here being all like TIMMED AND WAY TO QUIRKY AS FUCK WHILE 'TWO SHOTS' OF LOW SELF ESTEEM AND SHYNESS!!! when doing the class and then when we were doing the punching and kicking when the teach wanted me to go first for my first bunch with the pillow thing he was holding he looked and me dead in the eyes and said "now that is impressive and great strength!" after he let everyone else do it he looked back at me and said "now you should be proud cause I have NEVER say that to a new student do you should be proud" and I still have the grin on from that
Book recommendations number 2;2928292'?:
Go read BonDABunZeYEET newest book there Funtime Freddy x reader remake of there original I don't remember if a already said this in another chapter but still!!! They are a savage and hilarious author and make you feel welcomed into there books (what I try to do for y'all T-T) and they have in chapter one when y/n gets the job for the auto correct with eggs Benedict thing they actually did there own thing and have decided to do a challenge for whoever can give the funniest auto correct name and guess what I did (I will tell in the comments if you guess any funny name GO GUESS ONE ON THERE BOOK NOW!!! Pls) and well yeah GO READ THE BOOK!!!!! Please!!! Trust me you won't regret it!!!

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