Chapter 10 texts and tours??

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A/N so I know I haven't updated in months but I feel like I need to finish even though no ones reading this haha let me know what you think x. also I know wwa already ended but let's just say it didn't.


months passed and me and Harry continued to talk, almost non stop. whenever he had free time while on tour we would text sometimes call, and on a good day skype. we were friends, and let me tell you it was fucking great. he was the sweetest person on earth, everything you can imagine he would be was was, but like 10x more. he was so down to earth and humble, you would never believe he was actually as famous as he is.

that night I got a text from Harry asking how I was and things like that. after a while he mentioned how he was going to be in America in a few days for the Where We Are tour. we talked about how I've never seen them in concert and how I wished I could meet the other boys one day. then he said

"come with me"

I was confused at first and I read the text about ten times before I could respond but all I could say was "what" then he quickly answered with "come with me to America, you can stay with us in the hotels and on the bus and come to our shows it would be great!" I could practically hear his excitement and see the smile on his face but I said "I'm not sure Harry, I just started school and I would miss a lot of classes" FUCKING IDIOT! I thought to myself FUCKING HARRY STYLES ASKED YOU TO GO ON TOUR WITH HIM AND YOU SAY NO?? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! interrupting my train of thought he replied with "oh yeah I forgot you had classes, you don't have to come if you don't want to it's just an idea, sorry" he's apologizing for inviting me he is too sweet. but how the hell am I supposed to say no to this I mean come on! I quickly replied with "don't worry about me I'll make it work, I'll talk to my professors and make something up aha I would be most honored to accompany you in America." I sent it with a smile and wondered how the hell I'm going to make it work. he texted me back saying "REALLY?" so I said "YES" I knew he was excited about it and it made me happy, he really wanted me to go with him, but what does that mean? is it as friends? when people ask what we are what are we? will I get hate? do I have to hide? will people hate him? I was so overwhelmed I was getting stressed but he texted me back saying "I called my manager and it's all set, I'll pick you up on Wednesday :) x." it was actually happening. I was going to see them in concert. and not just once. and not just seeing them. I would meet them. practically live with them. I WAS GOING TO FUCKING LIVE WITH ONE DIRECTION. and 5sos are opening. so will I meet them? IM GONNA MEET 5SOS TOO! everything was so exciting and great I couldn't even think about all the bad things that would happen because of this.


none of the other girls were home when this happened because they had gone shopping but I had stayed home to study. "study". anyway they all got home around 6:30 in the evening and I started crying with happiness. they were confused and I can see why, they walk in and I start crying out of no where, I'd be confused. so by the time they calmed me down I told them what happened although it took a while because I was interrupted by "no Logan let me see the text!" "Sophie give me her phone back I need to read this!" and multiple squeals and screams. they immediately started giving me ideas on what to tell my professors and we went with my great grandmother died and I had to go back to America to be with my family for a few months and then ask if I could be emailed the work by either the teacher or another student in the class so I could still keep up.


the next day was Monday, so I had all of my classes that day, luckily because I had to talk to my professors seeing as I'm leaving Wednesday. thankfully everything worked out fine and my lie was a go. my classes were boring but everything seemed to go by so quickly. so much was running through my head I didn't even know how to start collecting my thoughts. I got home to see all the girls in our room. I was the only one with classes the whole day, they only had a few morning ones. siting next to them they were all eating pizza. now I would never pass up pizza but I had been dieting for about a year before I started college and it had started to go downhill, only with the pizza though that was my only weakness. damn pizza. before I left I had reached my goal weight of 110 pounds, and with my height of 5'7" I didn't look too bad. I stood and looked in the mirror, I had on dark wash skinny jeans, combat boots and a sex pistols tee shirt. I never liked the way I looked and seeing myself now I felt extremely ugly and fat. how the fuck am I supposed to tour with one direction looking like this? they'll all see me and think I'm trash. what about the fans? if they see me they'll think I'm ugly. still looking at myself a few tears escaped my eyes and Savannah, I swear when it comes to my feelings she has a sixth sense, woke up and stood from the where she was sleeping and she came over to hug me. she stood behind me her head resting on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around my neck. we were both looking in the mirror just standing quietly. she started to whisper things in my ear like "I don't care about what you think you look like because what I'm seeing is beautiful, you're every girls dream, you're far from ugly and you aren't fat at all, I don't know what you're seeing but believe me, you're flawless inside and out." I stopped crying looked away from the mirror braking my trance. wiping my tears away and making sure my eyeliner didn't smudge I said to the girls "help me pack bitches I have a little over 24 hours before I'm gone and I'm a train reck" we all laughed and started pulling out bags and suitcases. I had no idea what to pack, I didn't even know how long I was going to be gone for. what if I overpacked and then looked like an idiot or what if I don't pack enough and then I'm screwed. I texted Harry asking but I wasn't expecting a quick response. he said minutes later "keep it to a minimum, maybe two suitcases at most, also you can bring two carry on bags but I think one is better, we don't have a lot of room so definitely try not to over pack" well thanks styles that's helpful. I had two one big suitcase and one small one that were easily and quickly filled. I tried not to panic because there was so much stuff to bring and not a lot of room. just while I was on the verge if a nervous breakdown Harry texted me and said "don't worry about stuff like toothpaste and shampoo and stuff we'll have it in hotels or we'll buy it, that should help you pack lighter ;)x." and it sure as hell did. once we were done I had two small suitcases packed and one tote bag that also held my purse. it took us three hours to pack. that was finding outfits, finding out the number of concerts, figuring out how many days I would be gone. it was a lot of work and we were all exhausted, I must've thanked them 1000 times for helping me then we all went to sleep. one more day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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