Chapter 8 Finally Gone

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One month later Savannah was out. Just like the doctor said, her cancer was gone. I was so relieved, possibly more than her own parents. When we found out the cancer cells were officially gone, we all cried. Except S of course who thought it was hysterical that we all were so emotional. Typical. Now that she was free it meant we could leave; finally. She spent a few days resting at home and getting used to doing things herself again and I took a while until she got back to normal. But once she did we started packing immediately, our plane tickets were bought and we couldn't be more exited.


Finally the day came and we left. That whole morning was a blur, we had to leave at 2 in the morning to get to out 4 o'clock flight. We had to change planes only once, which wasn't bad so we were stopping in Madrid, which is in Spain, for three hours before boarding out last short flight to London! The plane rides were so fun, I love flying and S had never been so her reaction alone was hysterical. After the excitement of getting off the ground the first time she got really nervous. Her hands were basically attached to the arm rests and her knuckles turned white. Her face was so flushed so I spent about an hour of the first flight calming her down. Other than that, we handled the flights well. Since we had three hours in Madrid we took advantage of that. We left the airport and found a cute little coffee shop. S called her parents while I sat their quietly watching people walk by and sipping my black cappuccino with a mocha shot (it was still morning there). We were siting outside of the cafe at a small table that was almost as cute as the place itself. The whole area was insanely beautiful and I probably took a hundred pictures there alone. I brought two of my cameras. One was a Canon Powershot and the other was a Polaroid. I couldn't resist bringing her white Polariod, the newest addition to her collection. When S say back down at the table she finished her caramel cappuccino. We had an hour to wander around the outstanding town before heading back to the airport an hour before our flight took off. Once we landed in London, it all became real. We got a cab and asked the driver to take us straight to Wimbledon so we wouldn't miss orientation. We cut it close and got there a little late, but what else is new. We had a huge dorm to hold four people. Me, S and two other girls we met over Skype a few weeks ago. Logan, was short, skinny, and absolutely beautiful. Her long wavy brown hair was perfect, her whole style was on point. She was from Italy so she new a lot of things that would be helpful for me and S, as well as Sophie. Sophie was going to be our other roommate, she was from California. She was a dancer and was basically perfect. Average height, not really tall, but long brown pin-straight hair. She seemed really laid- back and fun and I knew that this year would be incredible. Once me and S got to the room we started unpacking, their were four twin size beds so we got two next to each other. I was on the end next to the big window. We were fairly high up in the building and the view was breathtaking. Along with the four beds there were four dressers. Each had five drawers and a mirror on top. In the bathroom their were two sinks and two showers but one toilet. Me and S decided to share one space and the other girls could figure it out themselves. After unpacking and a bit of decorating we sat on my bed looking out the window and I ate Nutella with a spoon while she had a piece of cold pizza. Sophie came in next and she said hi, we shook hands and small talked before she started unpacking. We told her the bathroom situation and she was fine with that. There was one fridge and one long cabinet for food and a microwave on a small counter. In order for me and S to meet new people but still room together we got a suite, so it was massive. Their were a small desks beside each bed, I put my laptop, cameras and a few books on mine to finish up my space. Logan came in next and she ran to me and S and hugged us, she was so cute I already loved her. She started unpacking and got to the bathroom where we heard her talking to Sophie. They weren't arguing which was a good sign, so their space in the bathroom worked fine. Sophie came out and started filling her drawers and making her bed. Logan followed only a few minutes after. After we were all unpacked, Logan and Sophie joined us on my bed and we all talked while gazing out the window.


Thanks for reading if you did and comment what you think! Spoiler: someone important is coming in next chapter wink wink.

Please vote and comment, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in weeks, I've just been really busy but now that school and exams are done, hopefully I'll update more and not have writers block!! Love you ~Maria*

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