Chapter 4, The End of the Year

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*hi everyone... Or all 5 of you that have read this! Thanks for reading and if you are reading this then comment some thoughts and maybe vote??


Slow weeks passed. The longest weeks of my entire life it seemed, just waiting and waiting for warm weather and more importantly graduation and leaving this hell hole. If its possible, things with my mom got worse. As unbelievable as it seems it feels like we've grown farther apart. She yells, I yell, she leaves, I leave. The same long terrible cycle of never ending battles. The last two months of school had gone by and my grades stayed up I had already presented senior project and passed, completed my e-portfolio, everything was done. No stress. Just enjoying the final days of hell- I mean school. So it seemed.


It was 6:50 in the morning and it was FINALLY the last day of school! The most exciting time for any student ever. I was dressed and ready to leave, buying Starbucks before picking up Savannah. I pulled into her driveway in my dark blue jeep. I decided I should actually make an effort to look good today so I wore a spring styled outfit, a maxi dress with white and blue stripes; high-low style, jean no sleeved vest, and white strapped sandals, my hair was perfectly curled and I wore a thin black line of eyeliner and mascara with my average amount of coverup, and Chapstick. Checking myself in my small mirror, savannah still hasn't come out. There were no cars in the driveway so that meant her parents weren't home, she must've slept through her alarm again. I shut off the car grabbed my necessities and ran up to her door, with my spare key it unlocked and the house was silent. Walking to her room in the basement the lights were still off, I walked in and turned the light on. Looking over at her sleeping she didn't move, her eyes stayed shut and her breathing seemed short. Scared at how sick and pale she looked I ran to the side of her bed from across the room and checked her arm for a pulse- I had just finished taking me CPR class thankfully- there was still a low pulse and still she didn't move. I immediately called 911 knowing clearly that there was a problem. I was about to call her parents when I remembered that they went on a holiday for their anniversary. I didn't want to bother them until I knew for sure what was wrong. On the phone with 911 the woman said that an ambulance was on its way. I tried to think rationally but my mind was running through all the worst possible scenarios. What if she's really sick and they can't do anything. What if she dies. Did I tell her everything I needed to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I need her-

My thoughts were cut off when I heard people at the door, the next thing I knew I was in the hospital answering questions. I was crying. Petrified. I heard her room door open and a doctor walked out with a concerned look on his face. Tears swelled in my eyes again and he sat next to me our eyes meeting. I was trying to be hopeful, but I was feeling sick, dizzy and terrified.

To Be Continued.

*leave comments on what you think and if cliff hangers are good or bad, I'm so excited for these next few chapters! ~maria*

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