Chapter 2 The Letter

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*although no one has read chapter one and won't read this chapter, I'm updating anyway ~Maria*

I had been applying to colleges in all different countries for months. Hoping and wishing I could get some scholarship somewhere. I don't know how I would, because I live in America I knew it would be difficult. I was on Instagram just scrolling through when I heard my mom yell my name that something came in the mail. I ran downstairs, grabbed the letter and ignored my mothers facial expression. I read it shaking so badly, the first sentence read, "congratulations! You've been accepted to the Wimbledon College of Art" I nearly cried I was so excited. Wimbledon looked absolutely beautiful! It's a suburban district in southwest London.


I couldn't even imagine, I wanted to move that very day! I looked up smiling wide to see my mothers face. She looked like she knew something I didn't. In a bad way. I guess i looked concerned as I looked at the letter because she smirked looking kind of happy, in a scary way. Reading further, it said that I had a scholarship, I got my freshman and junior year free and a room to stay in with two roommates! There was nothing bad and I was relieved, looking back at my mom she said calmly, "you're not going." My face twisted and I said rudely, "you say that as if its your decision." She replied saying that it was and we fought for what seemed like hours, she hit me but I refused to cry, but damn she's kind of strong, but I won the argument. She has no control over me, I turn 18 in a month, at that moment my mother can not make my decisions. Finally.

We always fought since I was little, I was grounded nearly every day since I was 11. It was insanity living in this house. Especially because its just me and my mom now, since my dad died a few months ago. Thinking about it hurt me and it hurt more knowing that my mom didn't care. I nearly cried thinking about it. I was too overwhelmed and ran to my room unable to believe this amazing news. I fell asleep happy for the second night in a long time.

*if you read this you are amazing and I love you :-) comment and let me know what you think ~Maria*

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