Chapter 9 The Stranger

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The next few days were crazy. We were starting our classes and the stress was already growing for all of us. Me and Savannah used to get coffee in the morning together but I woke up extra early and decided to let her sleep. We stopped going to Starbucks when we got here and we found a small coffee shop not far off of campus. I walked there slowly, taking my time. I still wasn't used to walking through a place so beautiful. Entering the shop I was overwhelmed by the lovely smell of coffee. After purchasing my cappuccino, I walked out rather quickly in order to be home on time. Still distracted by the scenery and my coffee, I crashed into someone. With my coffee spilt all over me I yelled, "SHIT! Sorry!" Without looking up I picked up my coffee cup I dropped and I heard his voice. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"No no, it's my fault," I replied, "I'm very clumsy, did I spill this on you?"

"Um yes a little," he replied quietly. Looking at his chest his white shirt was covered in my coffee. It made the shirt he was wearing see through and the wet coffee made it stick to his abs. We were both equally as soaked and I couldn't help but laugh. I'm so awkward.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked although he was laughing too.

"I'm just sorry," still not seeing his face I said, "I tend to laugh when I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" He asked again, I just noticed his accent, it was mesmerizing, I didn't know this person yet I could listen to him talk forever. I finally looked up and saw Harry Styles. WHAT THE FUCK! HOLY FUCKING SHIT ITS HARRY FUCKING STYLES RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF ME! I didn't want to sound crazy so I tried to remain calm although I wanted to scream. "Uh-um-I'm really sorry-I mean I didn't know it was you-um-oh shit-I mean sorry I didn't mean to swear-shit-oh damn-oh shit!" I put my hand to my forehead, "I should go I'm sorry." I turned to stop me but he grabbed my arm and said, "no it's fine it's fine" he was laughing a little. HARRY STYLES FUCKING TOUCHED ME OH MY FUCKING GOD IM GOING TO DIE FROM PURE HAPPINESS. "Let me get you a new coffee." OH MY GOD HE OFFERED ME COFFEE. "No it's fine it was my fault." I replied nervous. "No really, I was on my way there anyway."

"If you insist" I replied shrugging.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." He said casually opening the coffee shop door for me.

"Oh sorry, I'm Maria." I smiled blushing. Walking to the counter I got my coffee, Harry ordered his. We sat at a small table and had a quick chat. I laughed and talked although I was perfectly content listening to him talk he kept urging me to talk. After we finished our coffees we stood to leave. He stayed standing in front of me for a few seconds before he slouched over a little. He looked down and ran his fingers through his thick brown curls.

"Um Maria?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Uh, could I possibly get your number?"

"Of course," I smiled taking his phone and putting in my phone number.

"Well Maria I'll be sure to text you." I smiled and blushed looking down and breaking our eye contact. We left the coffee shop and walked our separate ways. After he was out of sight I ran as fast as I fucking could to go tell the girls. I burst into the room and yelled, "GUYS YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" I made all of them jump and we met on my bed sitting in a circle so I could tell my story. I basically cried telling it and they all fangirled so hard. Once I said that Harry said he would text me, Logan screamed. "DID HE TEXT YOU YET?!" At that exact moment, I received a text from an unknown number. It read, "Hello, Maria? It's Harry." Savannah grabbed my phone and almost replied to him before I panicked and grabbed my phone back. I replied within 5 minutes saying, "hi! It's Maria :-)" I got all of the girls opinions before answering and we all agreed before I sent the text. He answered in the same minute and said, "oh good! I was hoping you didn't give me a random number!" The thought made me laugh a little and I said, "how could I ever trick you Harry" I hoped he read it with sarcasm and he did because his response was, "lol you know me so well already ;)" I smiled like an idiot. He implied that we would be getting to know each other more. We texted for a long time after that until he said he had to go to sleep due to his busy work schedule the next day. I looked at the time and it was 1:30 a.m. I easily agreed seeing as I had classes the next day. "Goodnight Harry :-)" I sent quickly, he replied with "Sleep well Maria :)"


* hello! I know I haven't updated in a long time, I didn't think it was worth it but I've decided to finish! This might not be the best becuase I'm currently quite busy! I'll try to update every week but no promises!

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Love you all ~Maria *

Where We Went WrongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon