Rescue Mission

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No One's POV

With the help of Lucy, Natsu tied up Imitatia to a chair from the kitchen. They both decided that it would be best to get as much information about their situation as they can get out of her.

Natsu was being very cautious sense this... thing had eyes on hurting Lucy. He stood, stalking over the limp body in a chair, watching for any movement.

I won't let anyone touch a hair on her body, He told himself, mentally.

It felt like minutes went by with no movement. He looked around the room, only now realizing, Lucy was not in here anymore.

"Lucy? Where did you go?" He asked, aloud.

He got no response.

Natsu sniffed around and found her scent trail. She went outside? For what and why??

He was about to go to the door when it burst open because of a pi**ed off Lucy, holding a large bucket of water.

Relief washed over him but was soon replaced with confusion. Why does she have a bucket of water??

Lucy wasted no time to put her plan in action. She raised the heavy bucket over her head and stomped over in front of Imitatia. Next thing that happened was the bucket tipping and drenching the unconscious villain in questioning. The cool water woke her up in an instant. Lucy's plan worked!

Imitatia sputtered, "Wha- wha- h- happened?? How d- did I- I get-?"

"You got here because you f***ed with the wrong person," Lucy interrupted, with the most intimidating stare Natsu had ever seen.

Imitatia sank in her chair, clearly scared. Lucy smirked at what she accomplished. But she, of course, didn't stop there. Natsu and her's goal in tying her up was to get answers.

And answers she will get.

*Time skip to after Lucy's amazing interrogation*

They got all they needed. Imitatia was practically an open book to them at this point. Clearly, Imitatia was not skilled with being captured and, only, somewhat good at fighting.

Here is what they found out:
1. Mindy was taken only a few days ago.
2. She was taken and kept in the basement of the Heartfilia mansion.
3. She wasn't getting tortured. Mindy was simply taken there so their was only one Mindy around. Aka, Imitatia.

And, finally. 4...

Her dad thinks Lucy is his wife.

That... blew her mind.

I mean it makes sense, why he is so desperate to get me back. He wouldn't want me anyway. In the end, all he cared about was my mom, his wife.

When Imitatia told her this, tears threatened to escape her eyes. She breathed in heavily, trying to prevent them from falling.

Natsu senses her distress and came up behind her. He laid his comforting hands on her shoulders to show her the support she needed right now. His thumbs massaged her shoulders to ease its tenseness.

Lucy calmed down in his touch and gave him a quick nod as a 'thank you'.

They got everything they needed to go and find Mindy. But Lucy was scared to face her father. Natsu feared for Lucy's safety.

Natsu made sure Imitatia was tied good and knocked her out once again. She won't be waking up for at least 6 hours.

The air between the two was awkwardly quiet and tense. Until, of course, they made it to the mansion.

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