The Interview

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Author's Note:

Hello! Swag~Chan is back, and with the 20th chapter. I am so excited to have gotten to this milestone of chapters!! In celebration, this chapter is quite long.😱

Hope you enjoy!~☺️💕

Mindy's POV

Oh, wow. Another day of my miserable life. What will today bring me? Maybe, it will be the best day of my life! I guess I will have to find out.

My day has started with a nice cup of coffee. Of course, I love it black. No added sugar or cream. I want to keep my figure in shape. And, along with that, I had a simple, toasted bagel that I smothered with ooey gooey peanut butter. Once again, trying to watch my calories.

So far, this morning has gone wonderfully.

Even though I am enjoying it, I can't help but feel extremely bored... I don't have a clue on what I should today!

I would go over to Natsu and Lucy's place, but I don't want to ruin any... moments. If you know what I mean... (Wink Wonk)

And I am definitely NOT going to the bar. I am done with feeling sorry for myself. It's about time I try and turn my life around. Lucy's kindness and friendship makes me feel powerful, full of a new confidence. I don't know how she does it, but she makes me aspire to deal with everything with my head held high. Just like how she has handled her own situation with her life. It is truly inspiring.

In fact, to start my life off right, I should go and get an official job! I have excellent cooking skills and I can work. I have feet and hands. That combination of things equals the ability to work!

I have been telling myself, I can do it, all morning. It helps me not give up on myself.

When I finished cleaning up my breakfast mess, I got dressed and cleaned up to go out into public. I am actually in more formal clothing, just in case I get an interview with someone. I hope I meet someone that will give me a job.


I have been strolling around the center of Hargeon for what seems like days! But, it has only been 30 minutes.

My legs are killing me! I need to sit down. I thought to myself.

As I am thinking this, my eyes land on a cute little cafe and/or restaurant. I am instantly filled with determination. I look at the sign and realize it is legit called "Restaurant". I sweat dropped at this. (It is the restaurant that Lucy and Natsu went to in the very first episode. When I was writing this I looked up the name of it and found out it was, indeed, called "Restaurant".)

Oh well! This could possibly be my next job... or technically my first REAL job. The apartment complex I ran doesn't really count in my eyes. I didn't really try to pay back what I owed to keep it running smoothly and there was no labor involved in it. So... first real job, here I come!

I strode in with so much purpose in every step. I was practically gleaming with confidence. The people wooed and awed at my magnificence. It was like a dream... I pranced up to the counter... and they immediately gave me a cooking job there. Well that was easy enough.

I felt a tap at my shoulder and I flipped my head around to see a young male pedestrian that had a look of concern written on his face.

"Uh, ma'am. Why are you just staring at that restaurant? You know you can go inside it right?" he must of thought I was senile. I may be old, but I am not senile!

I replied, "I just did! In fact, I am their new cook! Didn't you see me parade in there just a second ago?" He once again looked at me as if I was mad. He is starting to pi** me off!

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