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Author's Note:
Hey, um... it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, let me just say I am going to end this book sooner than I originally anticipated.

I'll explain more in my random book.

I still hope you enjoy this chapter of Fear of the Innocent Flame.

Natsu's POV

Me and Lucy went to go and ask Mindy if she was coming with us. Of course, Mindy said yes. It's weird though because she seems different to me. I must just be nervous about letting Lucy out that I am growing paranoid... yeah that's it!

We three walked to a nearby eatery that seemed busy but not too busy. Just the right amount for Lucy to not be easily noticed.

A waitress came to our table to get our drink orders. I just asked for a water. So did Lucy.

Mindy, on the other hand, got some fancy coffee drink that cost like $10. Yeesh! How are we going to afford to pay for that!? I thought me and Lucy were going to treat her, but that's kinda mean to order.

"Hey, Mindy. I thought you liked black coffee to maintain your figure? Why did you order your coffee with cream and sugar in it?" Lucy inquired. She has a point.

Mindy seemed to sweat a little bit at this questioning. "Um... well. It l- looked ga- good and I thought I'd try it!" She even whispered a yeah afterward. I heard it though.

Like the caring person Lucy is, she trusted in Mindy's words and continued to have a nice conversation with her.

The waitress came back with our drinks and got our food orders. Once again, she ordered something really expensive. Is she trying to break Lucy's bank?

Lucy didn't say anything, so I didn't pry.

Lucy was really happy to be out in the open for once in a long time. I'm glad about that, but... why is Mindy acting so weird!

"Are you feeling okay, Mindy? You seem off today?" I decided to finally ask.

She blinked at me and paused. Mindy looked like a deer in headlights. The pause lasted a little longer than it should have, but she did answer me.

"Yeah, I guess I do. I might be catching something now that you mentioned it," Mindy lifted her hand onto her head, acting like she had a headache.

I'm not buying it. Something smells wrong with her. I can't tell Lucy that.

Lucy showed her sympathies and then the food came to our table. I'll think more about this after I eat. Food comes first!


Lucy's POV

I have had so much fun! I am so glad Natsu let me do this.

We are all done eating and we are already back at our apartment building. I was about to say bye to Mindy; until, Natsu interrupted it.

"C- can you go on back to the room, Lucy? I need to speak with Mindy about something."

I nodded to him. I thought it was odd of him to want to talk to Mindy, but they are friends too. I mean, why wouldn't I be included in the conversation they are going to have? It's probably something about cooking or maybe...


Naw, probably about her famous family recipe.

I realized my paranoia was seeping into my thoughts. I trust them, I trust them, I repeated mentally in my head.

I trust both of them... right?

No One's POV

As soon as Natsu saw that Lucy was far enough away, he asked his main question.

"Can you explain to me what you meant the other night at Lucy's apartment? You know, when you left."

Imitatia was sweating bullets. What did Mindy mean? What was she thinking at that time!? I have not a clue!

She gulped, "Well, I meant nothing by it."

Natsu was slightly perplexed. That should not have been the answer he should have gotten. He felt that oddness again about her.

Natsu has yet to smell her scent, but decided to. He got awkwardly close to her and took a whiff. It doesn't smell right...

"Are you really Mindy?" He speculated.

This stunned Imitatia. How did he know!? I took him for being dumb, but he actually caught me! There is no going back now.

Imitatia undisguised herself, showing her blonde, wavy hair. Mindy's outfit changed to Imitatia's outfit, fitted with vines.

Natsu was shocked. His mouth looked like the Pikachu memes. (You know what I'm talking about, right?)

"What have you done to Mindy!?" Natsu raised his fists, ready to fight.

She cackled, "Her? That pathetic human? She is in the hands of Jude, Lucy's father. She's safe."

Her menacing voice sent shivers down his spine. This was a true threat to him and to Lucy. Especially his Lucy.

Without much thinking, his fists went aflame, ready to toast this imposter.

"I'm all fired up now!" He yelled as his fist went toward his opponent.


*They fight each other until Natsu manages to knock Imitatia out*

Natsu dragged the bundle of vines back to Lucy's apartment. He had no clue what to do with her.

Lucy gasped at the sight. "W- who is that? What did you do to them?" Lucy seemed frantic about this. She thought he had killed this girl.

Natsu set Imitatia's unmoving body down to the side and stood in front of Lucy. He laid his somewhat beat up hands on top of Lucy's shoulders, and gave her full eye contact.

"Luce," he started, "Do you trust me?"

She paused at this question. Lucy had just questioned this same exact question to herself. She looked into his deep onyx eyes, looking for the answer to this perplexing question. The memories that they had together flowed through her mind. He was her first companion. He was always by her side. He always wanted her to be safe.

Without him, she would not feel as happy as she was in these last 2 months they had known each other.

A smile spread across her face. "Yes, I do trust you."

With that said, Natsu explained to her about Mindy and how she was taken by her father. Lucy had rage grow within her. She was done hiding, knowing now that she put one of her friends in danger.

She was going to fix this with the help of Natsu, her first and most trusted best friend.

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