Twin Bath

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It was around midnight when the plan started to take action. Gordon was screaming about random things upstairs, making it the perfect time for the prisoners to make a scene. They started screaming and arguing about anything and everything, making Gordon come down to the dungeon. "Wot in the bloody salmon is going on in there!?" He screamed, pounding on the large door. "Gordon! Help me! They are trying to attack me!" Tayler screamed. Gordon quickly unlocked the door and reached inside to grab Tayler. He slapped each prisoner 3 times on their ass cheeks to show discipline and brought Tayler back upstairs with him to the large kitchen. "What has happened?" He asked with surprising concern. "I can't exactly remember what started it but we were all just trying to talk when JoJo went ham on Jake! She started scratching his eyes out so I tried to stop the fight but they went after me instead."
"Oh dear, are you okay?" He questioned, rubbing her back. All Tayler could do was nod. The plan was working. "Baby, what can I do to make it all better."
"Well," she sniffled, "I don't think I can go back in there. Not any time soon. Can I stay up here? Just for a while?" Gordon sighed but understood. "You may stay in the master bathroom. The bathtub turns into a twin bed easily. You may stay there."
"Uh, okay. May I go now? I'm feeling very tired and weak from the yelling."
"Sure thing. " Gordon walked her up 4 flights of stairs and led her into the bathroom. "Just turn the water on and the bed will appear. Sleep well, child." Tayler thanked him and then he left without another word. She was out of the dungeon. 

Tayler stayed up until 3 am, hoping Gordon was somewhere asleep in this giant maze of a home. She quietly walked out of the bathroom and took a left down a short hallway with 3 doors. She had to start somewhere, right? She quietly opened the first door to find a brick wall behind it. Same with the other door across from it. But, the third door was more promising. There was a small staircase leading to a door the size of a wombat, at least. She quietly climbed the steep steps and crawled into the wombat door. It was pitch black except for a rather large lantern glowing green in the corner. She stood up and went toward the glowing lantern. There was nothing too suspicious about the room itself so she decided to leave. Then, all of a sudden, there were rustled sounds coming from the corner across from the lantern. Tayler was frightened, but she couldn't give up. Not yet. "Hello?" She whispered. There was no answer, just more weird sounds. Then something jumped at her, but she didn't stick around to see what it was. She screamed and crawled out of the small room and back into the hallway. She sprinted back to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She twisted the water nob to make the twin bed appear and she decided to lay down to get some rest. There was much to do and she needed to be well rested to get it done. 

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