The Way Out

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"Guys!" Tayler screamed, unlocking the dungeon door and running into the dark room. 

"What? What's going on?" Jake asked, running up to Tayer and grabbing her shakey hand. 

"I saw the floorplan of the house. I know how we can get out." Tayler whispered. JoJo gasped. "We have to move quickly. We'll go at night. When he's sleeping, we'll-"

"No," Jake inturuped. "He never sleeps. He's parols the property 24/7." 

"You're kidding! Now what do we do?" Tayler sighed. 

"This is what you're gonna do." Ryan stepped inside the dungeon, looking tired. "I'll have to distract him, but you guys have been in here long enough, you need to leave and try to get back to your real lives. Jojo, you need to go back to singing and talking fast. Jake, you need to go back to making  stupid fuckin videos on the internet with your dumb ass brother. And Tayer, we were destined to be together. We will run away and never look back. I know life was hard, but now we can be together..." He paused, "forever." There were soft whispers throughout the dungeon. 

"You really think we can do this? Be free?" JoJo asked, stepping closer to Jake.

"I know we can." Ryan replied, grabbing Tayler's hand and kissing it. 

"Let's do this." Tayler whispered. 

Jake found a rock to carve with so Tayler could show the floorpln of the house on the concrete floor. "I know the place best because I've been here a while." Ryan explained. He pointed to the kitchen. "At night, Gordon sometimes hides in the cabinets because he likes feeling small enough to fit. We can sneak around quietly, but there is never a guarantee he's in a cabinet."
"Okay, so how about we go through this way." JoJo points to a staircase along the far wall of the house, near the dungeon doors.
"We could, but this place has so many false exits, it might take days. This place is a maze." Ryan said, sighing.
"Tayler, I have an idea. You might not like it, but it's something." Jake whispered.
"What?" Tayler asked, wonder in her eyes.
"You need to get Gordon you around. Get him to enjoy you more. It might take a while, but it might just get us the way out." Tayler thought, a pit in her stomach forming. "Paul is right, Tayler. Gordon would show you around if you showed him love, more than he has shown me." Ryan confessed.
"You're right guys. If that is the only way to get us out, I'll do it. Now we just have to get Gordon down here and make sure he knows nothing about this plan."

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