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Tayler nodded as Gordon said, "The potatoes are all done. Come to eat, you female dogs." You walked to the kitchen table and sat down where a baked potato was sitting on the table, steaming. There was no fork or plate, or condiments to put on the potato, but Tayler was desperate and hungry. She picked up the baked potato, but Gordon stopped her. "You must PRAY for the potato before consuming it, child!"

"Oh...I'm sorry," Tayler said, dropping the potato.

"Uh, dear potato lords, I thank you so much for taking this sweet brown treat out of the ground for us to consume on this night. Amen?"

"THAT WAS AMAZING, TAYLER. I MIGHT HAVE TO KEEP YOU HERE FOREVER TO PRAY OVER OUR FOOD!" Gordon exclaimed. Ryan laughed at that and grabbed Tayler's potato.

"Here darling, let me cut this for you." Tayler blushed. Ryan then put the potato in the palm of his hand and karate chopped it in half, perfectly. "Wow!" Tayler and Gordon exclaimed, impressed. Tayler happily grabbed the sliced potato out of her date's hand and ate it. Soon, she was feeling very tired and Ryan noticed. "My little munchkin, let me take you to bed." He grabbed her face and pulled her up off of the chair. He pulled her all the way to the nearest bedroom and lay her down. "Ryan, what were you going to tell me?" Tayler asked, sitting up. 

"I can't tell you now when Gordon is listening..." Ryan whispered, gesturing towards the door. Tayler could see Gordon's eye through the crack of the door. She gasped. "Okay." Ryan nodded and slowly stood, holding his hand out for a high five. Tayler was confused but went along and gently slapped his hand. "Goodnight, bb" He said, walking out of the door. Tayler could hear Ryan and Gordon whispering, but could not make out what they were saying. Then soft footsteps down a hall. As soon as Tayler's head hit the pillow, she was out. 

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