The Computer Screen

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"Let me go, you insensitive f-"
"If you don't stop talking, you will end up dead!" Gordon screamed, his thick English accent coming thorough. Tayler was forced up the 3 flights of stairs into the kitchen. Ryan was sitting on the counter. "Gordon must be more lenient with him" Tayler thought. "Sit down." Gordon said, shoving Tayler into the chairs. She sat, feeling scared and sad. She could escape right now. But then she would betray the other prisioners. She couldn't do that to them. They have been here for so long. "Tayler, you have been bad. You have been testing my patience and I am not having any of it. You can not go about like this. If you want something bad to happen to you, it will. So stop. Now go to my room and wait for me." Tayler got up and went to his room. She then saw Gordon's computer screen open to a blueprint and some other tabs. She clicked on one and saw a paused video of porn. She scoffed and clicked on another tab. It looked like the floorplan of the house. She quickly sat down and looked at everything she could until Gordon came. She found a way out. For everyone. Then the door opened. Tayler stood and turned around to look. It was Ryan. Thank God. "My God Ryan. What is going on!?"
"You need to listen to me. Listen close.  I hope you got a good look at that floorplan because it will help you. Now go back to the dungeon and tell them." Tayler looked at the plan one more time than ran back downstairs to tell the prisoners.

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