Morning Madness

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"Oh, Tayler. You will stay here forever, wont you?" A voice asked, gently caressing her soft cheek. Tayler sat up in shock and slapped the large hand away from her face. "What the actual fucK!?" Tayler yelled, getting off of the bed to get a better look at her unexpected visitor. It was none other than Gordon Ramsay. He stood as well, straightening out his apron, the one he seems to wear every day. "I was just coming in to see what you were up to.." 

"Sleeping..?" Tayler responded, feeling very uncomfortabe. "And did you ask me if I would stay here..forever?" 

"I might have. I just...ever since I saw you waking down the street, I fell in love . I had to keep you in my life for as long as possible, and that is what I plan to do." He then grabbed Tayler's hand and dragged her out of the room, down 3 flights of stairs and into a small, dark, musty room. "You will stay here until I need you to help me with my duties!" Gordon screamed, slamming the door behind him. "Oh my God, you can't do this! I need to get home to my cats!" Tayler yelled, kicking the metal door. It was no use. He wasn't coming back. She started to bawl her eyes out. Then, she heard whispers. "W-who is in here?" She asked quietly, backing up against the door. 

"Don't be afraid. He has us locked down here too." A girl's voice said. "My name is Jojo Siwa. I've been down here for 5 months. 

"I'm Jake Paul. I've been down here for 2 and a half years."  Tayler gasped. Was she going to be down here that long too? She began to cry again. "Don't cry, my darling." A familar voice said. It was Ryan. He was down here too. "RYAN!" Tayler screamed, clawing in the dark to find him. He ran up to her and grabbed her face. "How can you see?" She asked. 

"We have been down here long enough. Our eyes have adapted." Jake said. 

"Tayler, you need to listen to me right now." Ryan said, pulling her to the floor. "This is what I had to tell you. He will keep you here until you die. You need to escape and I will help you." 

"What the Hell, Ryan! What about us?" JoJo asked. Tayler heard a slapping sound and Ryan screaming "ow!" 

"No fighting! Remember the oath!" Jake screamed, clearly in distress. 

"We will not bite, slap, kick or kill, or else Gordon will have a spill." JoJo and Ryan said in unison. Tayler was so confused. "I know, I know, I'm sorry, Ryan." JoJo apologized. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry I said  I was only going to help Tayler. We will all get out of here, JoJo." Then there were footsteps and a loud banging on the door. 

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