Ten: Never Been This Sure

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Hyejin's POV

"Hyejin, honey, let me explain," Nathan said as he put his pants on. I glared at both of them then stormed out of the room.

"Hyejin, please let me explain," he said as he caught my wrist. I immediately slapped him as I turned around to face him.

"You don't have to explain. What I saw is enough evidence, you a*****e!" I angrily said. I grabbed my baggage and purse and walked out of the door.

I hailed a cab as soon as I got out of the building. I decided to go to my friend's house, Sheena. Sheena is also a Korean who grew up in Singapore and decided to migrate here in Paris.

The scene a while ago keeps on repeating on my mind. Those a*****es!! How dare Nathan cheat on me?! And of all people, why does it have to be my best friend?

Now everything makes sense. I was doubting whether Alex is telling the truth. I can't believe he did that to me! He's such a genius to come up with that idea to just cheat on me!

I am now in front of my friend's door when I suddenly thought of Sungkyu. I shook my head to erase those thoughts and pressed the doorbell.

"Hey there soon-to-be-bride. Since when did you arrive?" Sheena cheerfully greeted me as she opened the door. As an answer, I hugged her so tight.

"Hey, is something wrong?" she worriedly asked. I pulled away from the hug and stared at her.

"Can I have a glass of water?" I asked.

"S-Sure. Come in," she said, bewildered at what's happening. She get me a glass of water while I sat on the chair of her dinning room.

"What happened?" she worriedly asked as she gave me the glass of water and she sat on the chair across mine. I shook my head in disappointment and took a sip of the water.

"The wedding's off," I said as I played with the moist on the glass.

"What? Why?" she shockingly asked.

"He's cheating on me. Nathan is cheating on me," I said with anger in my eyes.

"How do you say so?"

"Seeing him on the same bed with my best friend is enough evidence."

She gasped at what she heard and covered her mouth which is now forming an 'O' shape.

"With your best friend? You mean Natalie?!" she asked, shock all over her face. I nodded yes and drank all of the water. Just then, my phone ringed. It's Nathan.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" she asked when she noticed that I'm just staring at my phone that is on the table.

"What for?" I said the phone stopped ringing.

"Well you need to talk this out. If you're willing to forgive him then talk to him. The question is, are you willing to forgive him? Again?" she asked.


Nathan had done this before ANF I forgave him that time. This is not the first time he'd done it to me. Actually, this is not the only mistake and problem that we had in our relationship but I tried to be understanding. I was the one always understanding.

Am I willing to forgive him for the nth time?

I am in deep thoughts when my phone ringed again. This time, it's Natalie. Sheena and I both stared at each other. I let out a big breath before answering it.

"What do you want, you traitor?" I asked as I answer the phone.

"C-Can we talk?" she nervously asked.

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