The End pt2

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After debating for a long time, she finally made up her mind.

Her choice was made...

She looked at Thel's corpse and wiped her teary eyes. She sighed.

"Huh, this is going to hurt..."

She placed her hands on his chest and remembered what she was taught. She began to drain her power, it brought a stinging sensation to her body. His body jolted like he was being electrocuted.

Imagines started flashing through her head.

Their life together. How they met, how their relationship flourished. She loved Thel like no one else, she couldn't even imagine her life without him. How boring it would be, she didn't even think she would be alive without him. She wished they had started a family, wished she would've done so much more to be a good wife. But her time was up...

She thought of Cassie. She was her best friend and Bria had thought she died on the planet Reach. But they were reunited and Cassie was the most best person in her life. Like a sister to Bria. She felt like she was in college again when she and Cassie reunited.

She thought of Buck. How quickly he took her under his wing. He had a funny personality and a kind heart. He took care of her and that meant the world to her after losing her family. She loved him like a father and a best friend.

She thought of Tyra. Though they haven't known each other for a long time, and her memories were hazy, she still felt a connection with her. Tyra had so much potential and was so independent. Even though she was younger than her, Bria admired her. Plus she was the first Human/ Elite that she had ever met. She wished she had more time to get to know her story.

"I don't know if you could hear me, Augh!" Pain shot up her body.

She was getting weaker. Her body was shutting down. This was the last time she would see him, feel him, speak to him. It hurt. It hurt bad.

"Thel..." She spoke praying that he would hear her. "Thank you for making me feel alive again..." she began to cry. "I love you so incredibly much... I will always be with you..." She clenched her teeth. "Goodbye."

She forced the little bit of power out of her until she breathed her last breath.

1 Week later...

Thel sat down and held onto her necklace that he carved out of a crystal. She wore it all the time, she looked so beautiful with it on.

How is she gone...?

After the attack, after Thel blacked out, he found her cold, pale body next to his. She had already been dead for hours. By the time rescue came, there was no way they would come close to starting up her heart again.

Now she's gone...

He felt angry and numb. He just wanted to hear her voice again, feel her soft, warm skin. But he couldn't. He couldn't ever again.

He recalled her saying something while he was blacked out. He heard her voice, but he couldn't remember what she had said for the life of him.

"S-sir?" Little penny was standing before him with Hejiro by her feet, she looked up into his eyes with concern.

How long was she standing there?

She reached up and handed him a white flower. "I'm really sorry... she was really pretty." She smiled at him with teary eyes.

"She was beautiful." Cassie walked up and sat by Thel resting a hand on his arm. You could tell she was crying for hours, but she managed to smile. Even if it was fake, It convinced him how strong she was.

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now