Chapter 30

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"Okay, guys." Laura gathered her wards together outside of Protest Records. "This is our last day of work for the summer. We're going to finish strong and be very professional but very personable. People will have nothing but good things to say about us after working with us. Right?"

"Yes, Laura." They all monotoned.

"Good." She gestured to the door. Marc opened it. "Now let's go show them how amazing the Fabangeses are."


"I'm going to miss seeing you every day." Ian said suddenly.

Marcy raised a brow.

"Even though you're as mean as a rattlesnake."

Her brows drew together and she looked at him.

"They'll lock a pregnant woman up." He warned.

"Not if they never find the body."

He gulped. "So the last thing you have to do is decide what order the songs go in."

"Here." She set the lyric sheets out in a particular order.

He went through them, thinking about the melody in his head. "Wow. I like this. It sounds kinda like a really good book."

She nodded.

"You planned this out when you realized what songs were going on the album."


He shook his head with a smirk. He was not surprised.


Laura washed her face before patting it dry with paper towels. She felt a little better- physically. Emotionally, she was a wreck.

She had a sinking feeling why she kept throwing up and felt lightheaded and so hungry. Watching her little sister have these symptoms for months made it very clear to her.

But she didn't know for sure. So she had to get a test.

She shivered as if ice ran down her spine. What was she going to do if she were pregnant?! She wasn't even 19 yet! Marc had just turned 18. They weren't ready!

She rubbed her nose to stop herself from crying. She would get through this like she'd gotten through everything in her life.

She threw away the paper towel and left the bathroom to go back to her studio.


"I was thinking we go shopping tomorrow." Laura spoke suddenly- to the girls; she'd been stewing over this conversation for a while.

"Ugh!" Marcy made a face. "Pass!"

"We need new clothes for the school year. Especially you. You're going to be in high school now."

Marcy pouted.

"It's okay, Marcy!" Maddie threw her arms around her big sister's neck.

Marcy patted her back. "Okay, let me go before I throw up on you."

Maddie let go quickly.

Santana laughed. "The label did give us a little bit of money. And we're not leaving until Sunday. It'll be great to shop in your rich town."

"I meant in New York City." Laura corrected.

Brittany squealed. "Really?! We haven't got to explore New York!"

"Yeah. We should. Make a whole day of it."

"Will we have to be there?" Marc feared.

Laura looked at him a bit sadly. "No. It's a sister thing."

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