Chapter 24

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"What are you going to do all vacation?" Tammy asked.

Marcy shrugged. "I took off everything so I could get some sleep."

"You took off from modeling?! Why?! I'd never stop!"

Monica giggled. "I still can't believe you're models and we've been to a shoot with you guys."

"I don't care what they say." Bruce declared. "I fully support you sleeping over Spring Break."

"Thanks, B." Marcy smirked.

"I'm going to play video games all week." Mal announced. "It's going to be awesome!"

Bruce and Jude high-fived him.

"What about you, Yuria?" Monica wanted to know.

"I have designs I want to try out." Yuria spoke quietly. "What about you?"

Monica squealed. "We're going to the Bahamas!"

"My parents are dragging me to Russia for some sort of conference for my dad." Bruce hated that.

"I'm not going anywhere or doing anything." Tammy pouted. "I'm grounded. The good news is my sister has to stay with me so she can't go off like she wanted to."

Marcy laughed.

Tammy beamed.

"There's Svetlana." Marcy pointed out of the window. "We gotta go. We'll see you in two weeks."

"Maybe we can hang out?" Tammy said quickly.

"I'll call you Monday!" Marcy ushered Mal, Jude and Yuria out.

"Bye!" Monica, Tammy and Bruce waved before seeing their own nannies and leaving.

"How was your day?" Svetlana asked.

The four buckled up. "Good!"

She drove off. "Good."


Joe stopped cleaning the piano when he heard the doorbell ring. He ran to get the door because he wanted the kids to sleep for a while longer. They'd been busy for months and this was their first break in a long time.

He answered the door. "Hello?"

"Hello." Christina Barnes (Taylor) smiled at him brightly.

He started hyperventilating. "You're Chris- Chris-!"

"Christina Barnes." Christina moved happily, ecstatic that someone recognized her.

He nearly fainted but he kept his cool. "Please come in!"

She came inside.

He was going to shut the door when people came in with luggage. "Oh my! What's the world famous Christina Barnes doing in Connecticut?"

"To see my beautiful grandbabies of course." She smiled.

Joe was not a stupid man. "These are your grandchildren?!"

"They haven't told you? Shame." She took off her sunglasses. "Who are you by the way?"

"I'm Joe. The chef and housekeeper." Joe bowed to her.

She was tickled. She still loved when fans freaked out over seeing her. "Well hello Joe. I'd like to see my babies now."

"Yes, ma'am!" He started off before coming back. "I don't mean to be a bear but they really don't like shoes in the house."

"Of course." Christina stuck her foot out and an assistant got to work undoing her boots.

Joe almost freaked out but kept it together to run upstairs. He knocked on Marc's and Laura's door. "Marc?! Laura?! You have company!"

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