Chapter 14

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"We just really need the beds up then the kitchen situated." Marcy stated as she and her siblings put up her and Mal's bed. They had light hardwood floors but a large patch of carpet went under the bed.

"Are you sure?" Mike asked.

"Yes. It's getting late. We still need to eat."

"She's right." Laura huffed. "Are we making the beds?"

"We should probably wait until the rooms are done. That way we can take baths and really enjoy it."

Marc grinned. "Freak."

Marcy stuck out her tongue and danced.

"Super freak!"

"Super freaky!" She sang.

The others excluding Quinn laughed.

"Come on. Let's do you guys' bed then yours." Marcy inclined her head at the Trio then Laura and Marc.

They all traveled to the largest room and put up the bed in their carpeted room before going to the last room and putting their bed up.

"So kitchen?" Mike asked excitedly.

"We have very little food. Why are you so happy?" Marcy was amused.

He pouted. "I'm not happy."

"You're unhappy?"

He tossed out a petulant look.

She smiled. "I'll leave you alone."

"That's all I ask."

She debated messing with him then decided against it. "Come on. We have to order food."

"Where are we even going to order from?" Mercedes posed. "It's Christmas Eve eve."

"Shouldn't we get ready to go anyway?" Quinn groused.

"Where the hell you tryin to go?" Marcy was exasperated.

"We leave for Christmas every year." Quinn crossed her arms.

Marcy opened her mouth but Laura shook her head. "I'm tired of you."

"I didn't even do anything." Quinn stomped a foot.

"I'm talking to Laura but you're a close second."

"Ha! Ha!" Mal laughed.

Quinn hit him. "Shut up!"

"Guys, stop fighting." Laura sighed heavily. "Let's clean the kitchen."


"I've got to talk to you guys." Laura waited until they'd finished dinner to speak up.

"Oh no!" Quinn covered her ears.

"But I like my room." Maddie sulked. "I don't want to move again."

"We're not moving, sweetie." Laura patted her hand. "It's about Christmas."

"Will Santa not find us because we moved?"

"I'm sure that Santa can find you anywhere on planet Earth, Mad. Let Laura talk." Marcy waved a hand at Laura, urging her to speak.

Laura took a deep breath. "We're not going on vacation."

"What?! Why?!" The others demanded.

"I thought we were going to Norway?" Mike went on.

"Were we bad?" Mercedes continued.

Laura tried to tell her "no" but Quinn spoke over her. "Are we kicked out of the family all of a sudden?!"

Marc put a hand on her arm. "Was Christmas canceled?"

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