Chapter 9

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Marcy went to the door as she heard something there. It was Laura. "Hey."

Laura hugged her. "Hey. How was everything?"


Laura's lips twitched in amusement. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault your siblings are nerve-wracking."

"I won't claim credit."

"How did your exams go?"

Laura sighed. "I'll see next week."

"Well come on. We have donations to fulfill. We can get paper supplies at the store and give the dishes away. What are we going to do with PR's computers?"

Laura thought about it. "We can save two for Marc. The rest can go in the trash after he figures out what he wants from them."

"I was meaning to ask about this."

"Yes?" Laura led when she said nothing and looked elsewhere.

"You know how they left their businesses to us?"


"How are we going to clean their offices and are we going to their business offices? What do we keep or throw away?"

"You've gotten started, haven't you?"

"What else was I supposed to do this morning? I don't have a license so I can't drive anywhere."

"Where did you even find Travis' keys?"

"In Daddy's desk."

Laura nodded. "I think we should take everything that pertains to business."

"I was thinking we take all the files and business contacts."

Laura nodded again. "Makes sense. So what? Everything in the cabinets?"

"There's a tonne of files-..." She stopped.


"And stuff- personal stuff. Like our Christmas plans."

Laura swallowed. "Oh. I should cancel those plans."

"We're not going to Christmas?"

Laura blinked. There was no infliction to Marcy's voice so she had no idea how she felt about the decision. "I think we should be alone for a little while."

Marcy just blinked slowly.

Laura wished she'd stop looking at her. She had no idea what she was thinking and it was terrifying.

"We should get started."

"Right." Nobody moved. "Aren't we going to go?"

"Shouldn't you put your things up? And what about your things from school?"

"I sent them to the house." Laura began pulling her luggage up the stairs. She looked behind her to say something but Marcy was gone. "What the-?"

She sighed and continued up the stairs and went to Marc's room. She left her things there, marveling over how much was done. She left and went downstairs to look for Marcy.

She found her in the office, sitting on the floor, shifting through files. "You've started without me."

"Yup." Marcy didn't look up.

Laura sat next to her. "What do you have there?"

"Daddy's first non-practice business."

"So we'll definitely keep that."

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