Chapter 25

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"Marcy." Christina tried again.

"No!" Marcy shot up then wobbled as she got dizzy.

Christina steadied her. "Marcy."

"How dare you?!" Marcy snatched away from her.

"I want to help."

"Then leave me alone!"

"No! Now I can't say I know exactly what you're going through but I have some inkling. My mother is dead, too and as of last year, I've lost a child. It hurts."

Marcy shook her head. "I'm not talking about this."

"You need to talk to someone."

"Who says I'm not? I could have spoken with any number of people about this."

"I know you. You're trying to bury it deep. You think that if you banish it to the recesses of your mind, you won't feel. Do you want to be like Po?"

"He sleeps well at night."

"Evil usually does... I don't want this pain for you. Please don't push me away. I've already lost my baby. I don't want to lose you, too."

Marcy watched her grandmother cry. "I guess you can call Aunt Marigold."

Christina sniffled. "I already have."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Christina hugged her quickly. "You have to still love me."


Mercedes picked up her ringing phone. "Hello?"

A scream came down the line.

"Hi, Santana or Brittany." She sat on her bed.

"It's Santana."

"Hey, Tana."

"Aretha, I can't believe we're going to be singers! I can't wait for this contract to come! Mamí says she wants to read over it carefully but I'm still signing it!"

"You should read it. Just in case."

"Didn't you read it?"


"Then I'm good."

Mercedes smiled. "Thank you for trusting me."

"Thank you for thinking of me."

"You're welcome."

"Tell your sister thanks, too." If both Santana and Brittany signed, all the kids would be recording their albums during the summer and the duo would stay with the Fabangeses.

"I will. I just can't wait to see you again. I've missed you guys."

"I missed you, too."

"Really? I'd think you were too hard to say something like that."

"Britt's my best friend but I feel like you and Q are close. Patti said you can have more than one best friend, right?"

"Marcy has lots of good ideas. So how are you taking this no telling anyone thing?"

"That blows!" Santana scoffed. "I can't tell anyone I'm in a super awesome girl group until after the album is recorded?!"

"Things might turn. You never know what tomorrow brings."

"You know that better than anybody."

"Yeah. I do."

"Tell me about that vato that tried to roll up on you."

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