Chapter Thirteen

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It's been three months since I returned home and I had gotten word the battle with Aizen was finally taking place. I disobeyed my parents words and went through the senkaimon to the world of the living once again.

I landed in front of Keigo, Tatsuki and the others, with Aizen opposite them. Aizen smirked, "Hello Little (Y/N), you're coming home?" He held his hand out, "The punishment will be minor I promise."

"(Y/N)?" Keigo called out and I ignored him.

I pulled out Medusa and looked at Aizen, "Turn him to stone, Medusa!" I swung my zanpakuto towards Aizen but he grabbed my sword.

"Now, now. Remember who taught you how to take Medusa," He said and pushed his hand through my chest then smirked, "It looks like you still haven't turned fully back to a soul reaper, too bad I wanted to torture your soul a bit more," He threw me back into Keigo.

"Torture my soul? You broke it so there isn't any of your left!" I charged at him and flashstepped behind him. I swung my zanpakuto behind me to him only for him to flashstep away, "Dammit!"

Aizen appeared in front of me, "Now, now. Behave," He mocked me and grabbed my wrist, tightening my grip till I dropped my zanpakuto, "Now correctly!"

Ichigo walked out of a senkaimon carrying his father, he laid him down, "Release her Aizen," He said and I looked over taking in appearance.

'Damn... He's smoking hot, God I love him' I thought to myself then screamed as he threw me into Tatsuki, "I'm not a fucking rag-doll!" I snapped.

"(Y/N)," Ichigo said and I flinched looking at him, "Shut up for once, you're injured so please. For me, stay down," He said.

"Fine," in said and laid down, "Keigo, wrap your jumper around my chest tightly," I said weakly and he did as I said, "Ichigo," I called out and he glanced at me, "Don't die on me," I said.

He laughed a little, "Promise you that," He said and dealt with Aizen.


Once the battle was over, Orihime was tending to me in Urhara's Store, I wasn't waking me. Just after Ichigo left with Aizen I passed out, or so I could remember.

I hear their voices, as clear as day and I feel my breathing weakening as the hours go by, "She's becoming weaker and I don't know what to do," Orihime said.

"It's best she goes home to recover properly," Rukia said, "It's the best for the situation."

"I guess it's for the best," Ichigo sighed and held my hand, "When she's recovered, allow her to visit me, please."

"Of course, she'd only sneak off again," My mother said and giggled.

Ichigo kissed my forehead, "Come back to me," He whispered and left me alone. I felt lonely and cold when he left me.


Two years have past and I have finally recovered, no more hollow hole and fully a soul reaper. I sat up in my bed and saw Renji in my room, "Renji? Babysitting me again?" I giggled.

"You could say that," He laughed and walked to me, "How are you feeling?"

"Lonely..." I muttered looking down and he smiled.

"Which do you want the most? Ichigo or your parents?" He asked sitting on my bed.

"Hmm... Ichigo," I said blushing and squeaked as he picked me up, "Renji?!" I held on.

"Let's go then," He said, "You already said your goodbyes to your parents, in your dazey wake state earlier," He added and he took me to a senkaimon.

I stood up and took a deep breath, "(Y/N)," I turned to my parents, "Be happy darling and if he hurts you I'll break him," My father said.

"I promise dad," I said and Renji and I left.

We walked out to Urhara's Store, Renji took my hand, "Keisuke has a gift for you," He said and they walked inside, "Keisuke! We're here!"

Keisuke walked to them, "Hello there you two, welcome back (Y/N), Come with me," He said and the three walked to a lab.

I looked around nervously, "Keisuke?" I said.

"You want Ichigo right, live together, age together, possibly more? Right?" Keisuke looked at me and I nodded, "My new style gigai, usually a gigai is to help a soul reaper recover and not age. But this one, holds all of the human bodies organs, you'll age and live again... You can become a soul reaper and be like Ichigo."

"Really?" I asked and stepped forward.

"Yes, but as this is new. There might be some faults and whatnot, but if anything doesn't feel right come straight to me," He said.

"I promise," I nodded and Keisuke helped me into the gigai.

I opened my eyes and sat up, "I feel heavier," I commented.

"You're not just a soul anymore, that's why," Renji said and smiled, "Lets go to him."

I nod and got up then hugged Keisuke, "Thank you!" I released him quickly and Renji and I can out going to the River.

"Wait here for my signal," He said and walked down to the group of friends, "Hey guys," I heard as I watched them from the shadows.

I looked down at the outfit Keisuke had me in, small denim shorts, a black tank top and flat pumps. I nodded in approval and looked up seeing Renji's hand on his neck and his index finger curling telling me to go to them.

"I have a present for you Ichigo," He said as I walked up, "She woke up this morning and chose you."

I smiled, "Hi Ichi-" Before I could finish, Ichigo ran to me, took me in his arms and kissed me roughly but passionately.

"You came back to me," He whispered pressing his forehead against mine.

I placed my hands on his chest, "I told you I would didn't I? I'm never leaving you again," I said looking up at him, "You're stuck with me till we die."

"We die? You're a soul," Ichigo frowned confused by my words and I explain. He picked me up and spun me around, "That's amazing!"

"I love you Ichigo Kurosaki," I said.

"I love you too (Y/F/N)"

The End

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